new grow. need input!!!


Well-Known Member
My last grow i grew in a grow tent. we currently moved and i had to sale the damn tent due to limited space. now i have a closet. about 2x4x5. i want to use half of it to grow but i have no clue how to start.



Well-Known Member
My current idea.... set up a 250watt hps and grow about 15small dwarfs in those double big gulp cups. I need help making half the closet completely light proof. Any ideas? and where can i find a door for this closet or should i make 1???

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
Shit if I lived there we'd figure something out... Wutever lights u wnt hangin.. Put up a trellis or do sumthng to keep the plants short... THermal sheild/Mylar..... Something to cover that space up.. One time lol I used a trashbag wit therm shield taped up to it n it was like a tent... Ghetto ass shit but it dude look ight lmao... K.O.double g cuz... King of ghettogrow hah!... I know u can come up wit something cuz...

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
Make a closet door.. I forget wut other material u can use... It's on a grow video on YouTube... Some kinda sheet lookin thing.. It's the vids with that green pInted mellow dude He grows it hydro...check it out... I grow chronic something likethat.. Ur plan sounds ight bro


Well-Known Member
Im tripping on space. i wana grow short bushy plants nothing tall. where can i find dwarf seeds?? im measuring the exterior of door right now so i can find a door for it. ima divide the closet with another board of wood too. what about temps u think they will be high???

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
Jusnhavd proper venting and it won't be too hot... Not over 82 85 that pushing it... Sum plants can take it sum cnt.. Few of mines did when I first started... High temps in lil boxes... 86 one time... Jus gotta vent it.. Red dwarf n white dwarf..lowrider... Taiga... Any autoflowers... Wut seedbanks u like or have heard of or seen wutevr... Look up in the search engine worldwide.. U heard of it? Ima bout to crash I think homie... My girl jus hit me n said to get off this shit lol... Had to check her real quik.... Lol.. Nah man find out bout that site.. Worldwide...