New grow - Nirvana NL x 4 (Regulars)


Well-Known Member
Hello people, and welcome to this year's new grow by me. I am using the sun here for this one and as of right now I have them in red party cups with regular dirt topped with a little bit of mulch. Currently, as of today they are on their 11th day of vegetation and are using good old natural sunlight for about 5-7 hours on average a day to start. I have already introduced them to a VERY little bit of regular MG (Miracle Grow) 3 days ago and they are responding very well to it. I plan on moving these to a secluded location here very soon as they will be too noticeable to have around the garden. I am already having a slight pest problem. I see little mites and black dots on the bottom of one or two of the plants, but I have already purchased a neem oil spray for them (Fungicide 3 'Garden Safe' by Schultz) which I am going to use tonight for the first time to take control of this pest problem. Hopefully this will be my first successful grow. Subscribe for weekly and sometimes daily updates to this new grow of mine! Thanks for any support and feel free to give tips, advice or provide any feedback you'd like. Cheers! :D

My plants in these attachments are labeled in order from #1 to #4, two of which are showing sativa-like characteristics and the other two are showing indica-like characteristics.

Here is a summary of what I'm doing:

- Currently using regular soil with a very little spike of MG
- Sunlight, direct 6-8 hours, the rest is indirect
- 18/6 light regiment
- Using 'FUNGICIDE 3' for pest problems
- Probably not going to stress or train my plants



Well-Known Member
I just sprayed the neem oil on about an hour ago and my babies went to sleep at 18 minutes ago. I wonder how long it'll take for this neem oil to start taking effect, I've heard you have to use it a week later to kill the leftover mites or any eggs that may have hatched.


Well-Known Member
So after some minor problems I had to get rid of two of them. I moved the other two to the woods and started up a few seedlings and moved them out there as well out of the hard sun until they get to be a few weeks old. 3 days ago I started up a few more seeds and am experimenting with an indoor grow inside a small shoebox with Mylar and 2 CFLS (26W 5600k), here are some pics of my stealth setup. I've got a large fan blowing at the box (some holes in the boxes to allow ventilation) for ventilation and a fan on the very top for outtake. The temps with the lights the CFLs and fans on are about 85F during the day and night hours. The light schedule is 22.5/1.5 because cannabis is a C3 plant and does not need a dark cycle like most other plants and I give them an hour and a half of rest to cool down the lights(C4). The photosynthesis for marijuana stops once it's in the dark cycle because it can't take in the Co2. Anyhow, I plan on vegging in this box for about a few weeks so I'll have to adjust those lights quite often and it'll be a pain in the ass because I'm working with a ghetto shoebox lol. Feel free to add ideas or comments (: I forgot to take pictures of my babies I put outdoors a few days ago, but here is my new piece of work I'm experimenting with.
Please feel free to laugh at my shoebox grow for I laughed a little myself but I think it's possible and I like to work with challenges (:

2 NL strains growing in shoebox;
Vegetation started for P#1 - 5/25
Vegetation started for P#2 - 5/26



Well-Known Member
In my opinion, both of these seedlings look great soo far in my little mylar box. Here is a picture of the best one out of both of them. Now, I know when they point up like that it usually means some sort of heat stress or underwatering, but with a close up look it looks very strong and the stem is already thickening and the plant is start to get robust. The temperature is roughly 85 degrees on average, maybe 90 during the very heat of the day. I have a large fan blowing air into the ventilation holes and a small outtake fan on top of the box to get rid of some of the heat. I've been keeping the soil pretty moist with small amounts of water just to make sure these seedlings haven't dried out. My CFLs are about 1 inch away the seedlings which is what I think may be a possibility of the plants pointing up, maybe move the lights up a tad bit? For right now I'm going to have to work with that box so feel free to comment and express your mind (:>

- Day 2 of veg



Well-Known Member
Adjusted the CFLs today. I noticed a tiny bit of black and brown on the very edges and tips near the top of the plant closest to the light but it was very minor, not too worried. Anyhow, I stopped in to show you guys what I just picked up today! 70 Watt MH ballast and bulb, It's a street light thingy but it should work so here are a few pictures. This thing has a magnet on the back and sticks to anything haha! I got a little kick out of it sticking to my computer CPU.

Should I take the glass cover off when using it for my grow?



Well-Known Member
Update time! I scrapped my indoor grow as I had too many problems such as temperature fluctuations, and constant struggle with the small space I was working in plus the plants were very small for being a week old probably due to lack of Co2 and heat stress. Anyhow, here are a few pics of my outdoor ladies (:

The 2 small ones are 10 days into vegetation and stretching a little bit so I moved them into a better spot along with the bigger plant to get about 9 maybe 10 hours of sunlight compared to the 5 they were getting in their previous spot. The biggest of the three plants is 31 days into veg and looking decent for being placed in good sunlight about 2 weeks ago. I'm planning on transplanting it to a 4 gallon pot within a couple days.

P.S. the two smaller ones are turning yellow and the bottom starter leaves are yellowing really bad. I'm almost positive it's nitrogen deficiency because I used just plain Scott's soil on it without perlite or anything, unlike the big plant which has perlite and a tiny bit of MG nutes, speaking of the big plant I have to spray it to get rid of more pests. Take a look at those 2 smaller plants and tell me what you think of them. (In last two pictures the sun is on the plants making them look extremely yellow, but they're really not that discolored)



Well-Known Member
Just transplanted the big plant that was in a Solo party cup into a 4 gallon pot. I need a question answered. Where the plants are is street lights off in the far distance (about 100 yards away) but no visible light is showing on the plants, and the ambient light from the sky is making them slightly visible if you put your face by the plants. Will this affect their light schedules?


Well-Known Member
It's rained once or twice since they been out there but I had to use regular tap water after the transplant ): and when I took the plant out of the solo cup I could see that they were literally just starting to hit the bottom, but couldn't see that well because it was dark but they looked like skinny brown threads. Stuffed it in the final pot and gave it a gallon of luke-warm tap water..


Well-Known Member
I'd like to know if street lights from about a football fields length away can keep my plants stuck in 24/0 lighting even though I see absolutely no light on the plant except for the ambient orange sky.


Well-Known Member
here is a thread I think will help you with your Q 420.. the roots should be bright white.. next couple of watering use just water what kind of soil did you transplant into?
I'm using Scotts Hyponex with a very small amount of nutes that will feed my plants for up to 4 months. I've also added alot of perlite for better drainage. Gave my plant a thorough watering after the transplant (1Gal)


Well-Known Member
OMG so before I get too excited I thought I'd ask. I went to my grow area today and my plant is developing it's 5th or 6th node, and at the very top where it's clustered are two green hair-like things sticking almost straight up. I thought it was just part of a leaf developing but it can't be but the thing is it's green and hairy and I figured pistils are just white and not green. I was soo excited but remained calm at the same time because I'm not 100% positive. On my way there I realized I forgot my phone which I was going to take pics... ): but yeah those 2 hair like things are protruding from the very top of the plant.


Well-Known Member
It's a female! (: I went there this morning to check on them and found a few very small white pistils on the tall one finally after 44 days. The reason she looks like she's LST'd is because on arrival to my site I found the pot tipped over on it's side which also caused black dots all over which I think it might be Ph Fluctuation but not sure I'll have to diagnose it, anyhow, the smaller ones are doing great. Now look at this, I planted a random bagseed about a week or two ago and it's a pure indica (the darker green plant out of the 3 solo party cups) and is already bigger than the NL that have been in there for some time. I gave all my plants some nutes about a week ago.

P.S. I'm buying some feminized autoflowers here within a week or two when my real debit card comes in the mail. I'm thinking of some afghan or ak47 for outdoors. Stay tuned!



Well-Known Member
They look beaten. Is it rainy? You problem probably is overwatering. You man not water alot but the soil doesn't get to dry out. And try to find a sunnier spot, they're stretched too.
I hope i helped :D


Well-Known Member
They look beaten. Is it rainy? You problem probably is overwatering. You man not water alot but the soil doesn't get to dry out. And try to find a sunnier spot, they're stretched too.
I hope i helped :D
Thanks man, I took the pictures after it rained and let nature takes it course. They dried out pretty well before the rains, speaking of that it's raining this very second, my girls are getting a nice drink. They get watered about once a week maybe twice, along with about 7 hours of direct sunlight maybe a little more.


Well-Known Member
Finally an update!
The big one is a female, it's got pre-flowers all over her. A picture of the random bagseed I threw in a cup of soil is actually doing pretty well.
I got the 3 feminized autoflowering cheese strains germinating right now in a solo party cup, they should be popped up within a day or two so I'll keep you guys updated on that as well.

Feast your eyes on these!



Well-Known Member
2 out of 3 of the autoflowering Cheese strains popped up today which I'll post pictures of later on today. I'll put them in with my big girl in a few days since I want to slowly adjust them to the sun so I don't kill them. These autoflowers should actually finish around or maybe a little bit before my NL harvest.


Well-Known Member
Update time! I scrapped my indoor grow as I had too many problems such as temperature fluctuations, and constant struggle with the small space I was working in plus the plants were very small for being a week old probably due to lack of Co2 and heat stress. Anyhow, here are a few pics of my outdoor ladies (:

The 2 small ones are 10 days into vegetation and stretching a little bit so I moved them into a better spot along with the bigger plant to get about 9 maybe 10 hours of sunlight compared to the 5 they were getting in their previous spot. The biggest of the three plants is 31 days into veg and looking decent for being placed in good sunlight about 2 weeks ago. I'm planning on transplanting it to a 4 gallon pot within a couple days.

P.S. the two smaller ones are turning yellow and the bottom starter leaves are yellowing really bad. I'm almost positive it's nitrogen deficiency because I used just plain Scott's soil on it without perlite or anything, unlike the big plant which has perlite and a tiny bit of MG nutes, speaking of the big plant I have to spray it to get rid of more pests. Take a look at those 2 smaller plants and tell me what you think of them. (In last two pictures the sun is on the plants making them look extremely yellow, but they're really not that discolored)

thats sun bleaching from cfl lights to straight sun. you shouldnt do that. mh while help in spring but youll still get it this late in summer. put them out for a hour or two and put them back in cfl let them adjust to the light.