New grow - Nirvana NL x 4 (Regulars)


Well-Known Member
2 more plants added to my guerilla grow! (Cheese strain autoflowers). Here are some updates. She's a little bit longer than the length of my arm (2 - 2 1/2 feet tall) and the other small ones are being runts, I'm going to transfer all these plants to bigger pots tomorrow including the big girl. They should start flowering here anytime now within a few weeks. Enjoy the tasty pictures!

Feast your eyes on this!



Well-Known Member
Just finished transplanting today. Yesterday I moved the biggest one into a 7 gallon flexible tub and the other small ones into 15in pots today. I'm leaving the 2 new cheese strains in the solo cups for another week or two. I'll probably post the pics near the end of the week. Stay tuned! feel free to leave a comment or a compliment, much thanks!

Oh, one last thing. My plant should be flowering here very soon and it's about 2 1/2 feet right now. Do you think NL will double or triple the size?


Well-Known Member
Damn those were little strechy bitches, now they're alot more better. Good job man :D
I'm growing top69 outdoors (Thats NL auto pretty much)
It looked alot like yours now :) No new pics tho, i could put some up after like 5-6 days idk
Anyways, looks like they're gettin better and better, good luck further dude ;)


Well-Known Member
Damn those were little strechy bitches, now they're alot more better. Good job man :D
I'm growing top69 outdoors (Thats NL auto pretty much)
It looked alot like yours now :) No new pics tho, i could put some up after like 5-6 days idk
Anyways, looks like they're gettin better and better, good luck further dude ;)
Thanks my man, I went to my site earlier today to check out how my transplants were doing and all I can say it WOW! They changed drastically, especially the big girl since she's about to go into flowering once she adjusts to this last transplant of hers. She's almost 3 feet now and she's branching outwards. The little ones that were looking small and weak in the party cups were put into 15in pots and they're starting to look ALOT better. I'll post some pictures tomorrow when I go back there. I'll check out your grow, post those pics when you get an opportunity I'd like to have a look, much thanks dude.

P.S. Just bought a pH/Light/Moisture tester for the soil. Forgot to use it today because I smoked some Maui wowie today and let me tell you! That shit is good! hahaha, a little paranoia while walking to my site (thinking people are watching me enter the woods and are going to follow me.. lol) then when I come off the high I laugh about it.


Well-Known Member

Sorry for the horrible quality...


Well-Known Member
So the funniest shit happened today while moving my plants to a new location. Me and my dude (well trusted, we're moving into an apartment together and starting an indoor grow as well as an outdoor grow for next year) were carrying the heavy 7G pot female through the woods to the new spot and on the way to it, we accidentally come too close to a house because of trees and brush in the way and hear a dog barking at us, so we both look to see a woman and her dog looking right at us. We kind of stood there with this heavy ass 'pot' looking dumb as hell. Thank god she smiled and said 'it's okay'. We hurried the hell up and moved everything else into the spot, of course taking a different route. No worries though, this spot is a little ways from her house, we just happen to accidentally be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Here are a few pics just minutes after that encounter with the lady.

So onto the topic of my plants. The picture tells alot but the big girl is 3 feet tall and looking beautiful. She should flower anytime now. As for the other plants. I'll have to transplant them soon once they outgrow there small pots.

I need some numbers of a reasonable yield, preferably from an expert, from the 3 footer of NL#5 when she's done. I know it varies and it's kind of a stupid question but I just keep getting excited about how much I could get considering this my first actual grow. They get about 8 hours of direct sunlight a day, she's in a 7G flexible tub which recently was transferred into about a week ago. She was given nutes about 2 weeks ago and plan on giving it some MG bloom in a week. Any guesses or advice would be nice.



Well-Known Member
Today I gave my plants some Schultz plant food plus, especially the big girl. I'm going on a little vacation and will be back Sunday to update. Stay tuned!


Well-Known Member
Back from vacation a little early. I will upload pics within a few hours when I check up on them since I have to make a few changes to them anyhow.