New Grow, Not New Grower.


Active Member
Well recently I lost my 1000w HPS due to the bill and hard times right now.

But I ordered some Hashberry seeds from the Attitude and they came in the mail with a Tee shirt 5 days later.

Only 5 out of 10 cracked but I am down to one that I will be keeping as a mother, she has already been cloned 7 times since her 55 day mark.

I also have a Super Skunk from G13 seeds that came as a freebie with the berrys.
Also just like the Hashberry I have only kept one as a dominat mother since she was so strong and nice looking...which has also been cloned 7 times.

Well I guess now I will describe my room,
It is a 9x9 portion of an open room in the house.

I have put hardwood down in it and the walls are lined with real panda film to increase over all light reflection.
I have 3 chambers so far one for veg, another for clones and then my skunk has recently gotten so big that I just made another section just for her.

I will keep my two mothers in DWC buckets the whole time just because of the simplicity.
But all my clones first go into a drip system then once I feel they should be flowered or my room is open I will move them over to a 4x2 ebb and flow table.

For now I am only using CFL's due to the nature that I had meantioned earlier....but I do have about 300 true cfl watts on each plant surrounding them.

If anyone wants to know I use the Lucas Formula but not the 0-8-16....i simply use 8ml/gallon of FNG for veg then I just start all addbacks with got Lucas 1.75 grams per watt and it seems to be doing pretty good for me so I'll stick with it.
And also reccomend it to anyone who has problems with their nutes.

Well I'll have some pictures up after I get some replys. :DD


Active Member
Come on guys anything?
I just don't want to be posting all this for no reason..... I got some pretty good pictures though once it gets going.

I just realized I didn't mention that my first hashberry clone that I took is now on day 4 of flower so things are about to get nasty. ;PP


Active Member
Thanks man,
you won't be bored I can promise that loll.....
I'm pretty much on all day I've just been too paranoid to post.

I've got a few soil grows under my belt but this is really my first grow with bred and bought strains..... can't wait to harvest.
Good smoke is so hard to find around here, it's mostly just mids.

But I'll either be posting some pictures in a few minutes or whenever I wake back up,
had a long night.


Active Member
Well here's a picture of my Super Skunk mother, as you can tell she has been cloned and had some major LST done..... she's tied completely down and is starting to grow back upwards.

I could never flower it now so I will just clone it forever and possibly cross it with some Indica strains.... it's a very strong plant.

Oh oh and before I forget, I have FIM'd almost every top besides 2. I want a bush!!:hump:

Well hope you like it and I will have PLENTY more in a few hours, and daily updates from here on out I promise.

PS, my Avatar is my HashB. mother's top about two weeks ago.

Pictures in order:
1.Super Skunk mother/49 days old.
2.My old 1k watt setup, all were bag seed.



Well-Known Member

Welcome to cfl-ville. Hope cfl's treat you right.
Really like the color of your skunk mother. Outrageous branches from the clip. They look like they are a perfect 90 degrees off the main stem!



Active Member

Welcome to cfl-ville. Hope cfl's treat you right.
Really like the color of your skunk mother. Outrageous branches from the clip. They look like they are a perfect 90 degrees off the main stem!

woot Im tuning in :)

LoL i love this pic

You bask under the lights with your plants? Damn i need a chain in my room now. lol



Nice looking plants dude!!! i just was curious i wanted to start using Lucas formula i didn't understand what you meant by FNG?


Active Member
Sweet bra. looks good. Using lots of watts per plant though. If you use 600 watts for vegging wont you be about 1000 watts anyway once you start flowering? you'll get nice results but if you really wonna save on your bill you could maybe slim down. Check out these three Shivas under only 198 watts total! (in CFL growing forum, entitled CFL wrap around)


Active Member
Thanks for all the replies guys!!!!

So I guess I'll get to responding to the questions. :D

>Growone----I'm not sure if I know where you're talking about it looks like a 90 degree cut? Do you mean where I have taken my clones or where I FIM'd her?
And thanks a lot for checking them out... I'll be looking at yours as well.

>Epyxn------Of course!!!! They're like my babies, and I have so many allergies that I can't do much outside so I figure why not just hang with the plants all day. heh
Also Jorge Cervantes always stresses the importance of checking your plants for bugs everyday, and I hate standing so a chair is a major help.

>Acid------Thanks man!!!! Growing is pretty much my life, And I've done TONS of reading.
BUT....FNG and FNB are FloraNovaGrow and FloraNovaBloom......amazing nutes if you ask me, I have yet to have a def. out of 2 full grows.
And they even make nutes for water with a high PPM due to Calcium which helps me a lot.

>Northwest----Actually I only have about 200 watts of CFL on each plant, I used to have a 1k watt HPS but had to sell it due to the price to run it per month.
But I'm looking into getting two 250w HPS' and setup my room like MisterPostman. I don't know if you have seen his thread but he is pretty much a god at growing and crossing strains, which is what I am trying to get into.


Active Member
Okay guys sorry about the shortage of pictures, so I will be putting at least 10 or 20 up tonight.
Mostly of the Hashberry and my clones, but if you have any request please leave them and I would be more than glad to take a certain angle or whatever.


Well-Known Member
On the 90 degree, I was talking on the branches on your clone mother where you topped. Maybe they were trained that way? Anyhow had a cool look.



New Member
looking really good dude....have fun with those CFL's im runing 12 of them in my closet and my bill only goes up about 5-10 bucks a month with 2 fans runnin 24/7 as well. as my light thats are on 18-6. so if ur trying to go budget CFLS were deff a good way to go. keep up the good work and keep us updated but looks good so far.


Active Member
>Growone------Yea I think It was just trained that way... Maybe you can see better in the new pictures I am posting now.

>Synik------Thanks man! I am, I love how close you can get them... I just need more though, never hurts to have more lights eh? I also have 3 fans running 24 hours a day but nothing big just a computer fan and 2 ocsilating fans.

Thanks for the input again guys,
I love sharing the experience. :D


Active Member
Okay guys I've been putting off loading new pictures up, but I finally got around to it.

So here we go, hope you all enjoy. bongsmilie:bigjoint::mrgreen:

1. Clones, 7 days old....I have 6 HashB and 3 Super Skunk.

2. HashB Mother on day 2.

3. Skunk on day 2.

4. The next 3 are my Skunk mother at day 42 showing all the LST I've done.... she would be massive without it and all the cuttings I have taken.

5. An old bud shot from my last 1k watt grow, it was just some reggie bagseed.
But oh how I miss my light, :wall::wall:

6. ROFL, I was on a road trip back from Sacramento when we stopped for gas and I seen this.
Possibly the funniest bumper sticker in the world, it is now illegal to have vulgar words on your bumper that is why they have it on the side, but never the less it is hilarious. bongsmilie:eyesmoke:



Active Member
Well there you go guys, hope you like them.
I'll have a lot of my HashB. that is in flower once the light comes back on at noon.... if I can stay awake that long.


Active Member
Sweet dude
how do u root your clones
Keep the porn flowing and all will be happy :D
All I do is fill a container up with PH'd water, put an air stone in it hook that to an air pump and plug it it.

Drill holes in the lid of the container and just drop the cuttings down in it,
it may take a few weeks at the most though.


New Member
nice man what are those cubes u have called...i cant find those anywhere...all i have around here are these stupid starter pucks i get from home depot that i have to take them out of within like a week


Active Member
They're growdan rockwool man, you can pick them up off ebay or at a local hydro store if you have one near by.
Amazing to germinate in, and even clone but I am much more fond of my bubble cloner.... a lot easier to keep up with.