landlords needed to come in and do an "inspection" before they leave for florida. The whole thing was bullshit, but it is their right if they give me advanced notice.....
i put on a good show however. I cleaned the hell outta the entire house, straightened it up; it was pristine. no one would have ever known there was a grow op in that room. the whole inspection was a joke, they were in for 10 mins and gone. Its ok, that's what i wanted; for them to not worry about me here and for them to see how i keep the old place up and in good shape.
So i got at least 3 home free months to do w/e in here while they are in Florida. Im working on setting the room back up, but i dont want to attach stuff to the walls again. i salvaged most all of my parts from the old set up and what i plan to do is just set up 2 partition walls or just build 2 "cabinets" that are just smaller than the inside perimeter of the room. essentially ill be working with approximately 12x 8 space and using about 60% of that area to flower in, the rest is veg, and i still have the 2 plywood cabinets to clone and sprout seedlings in.
My 6 mother plants are doing just fine, im planning to transplant to larger containers soon. I was pretty upset to have to waste all that time and work on the soil, so i decided to keep the rootballs. im planning to build a compost tumbler and reuse the soil in my base soil on my next mixture of soil. im donw to only 1 trashcan of unused supersoil so i am really trying to reserve that for my flowering plants only at this time as it will take 30-60 days for the next batch to be ready.
Set-backs suck, i went from an overabundance of green vegetative plants to scraggling to get something into the flower room. One positive thing is that i can try the experiment of starting seedlings directly into flower as i will be sprouting some new beans we'll see how that goes.
One last thing, my car was broken into and most all my shit was stolen. so as of now i have no camera, and with this set back, no bud, and a grim outlook on purchasing a new camera as funds are low and im not emplyed
gotta love life