New grow room design help


Well-Known Member
Hi All..
Thanks ahead of time for all the great information.
I am in the process of setting up a new grow room, as you can see from the picture, it is 6ft long by 8ft high by 3ft wide with the door on one end. I would like to have 2 separate sections, one fro veg, one for flower but cant decide on how to break the room up with the door being at one end. I use bubble tubs for growing and I think 2 3ft sections would be ok. I use cfls for veg and 450 watt mh for flower. I will also need to design the circulation system.
Any ideas, help or comments to guide me along would be appreciated.



Global Mod, Stoner Chic
A Black plastic wall in the middle might do it. You can buy sheets of it at a home depot or store like that. Staple it to the ceiling and let hang to the floor, you could seal one side with duct tape and just use the other side to enter and exit.


Well-Known Member
Why give over that much space to veg, i'd have it just for flowering if it were me, I would find somewhere else to veg, you dont need to let em grow big in veg, so you could convert a chest of drawers or something.

Thats what i'd do anyhow.


Active Member
If it were mine---and it's not----I'd get panda film. I would screw a 2x2 from the back-left corner to the front-right corner at ceiling height, and staple the panda film to that. That will give you an even split. I agree that ya don't need that much space to veg, but unless you move the door, a cross-corner split seems like the best alternative to me.

As far as ventilation...just look at other set-ups to see how they've done it, mix in your own ideas, and pow--you got ventilation.


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone!!

I think dividing it cross corner may make it too small. I was thinking that an even split with a curtain in the middle would work with the veg section in the front. right now I have bare insulation on the walls so I am going to hang cardboard then mylar. It is in an area of the house that I need to have some odor control, so I also need to find plans for a filter that would be fairly easy to build.
I have some big bud seeds but want to grow something a bit different this time although just as easy to grow. the big bud seemed very resilient. I killed them twice and still got a good harvest off 2 plants (60g). Any suggestions on seeds?


Well-Known Member
Hi again..
I also would like to create a constant flow bubbler system with a large resivoir bucket. I have no access to any hydro shops but need various fittings and such. Can I get stuff like that through lowes or walmart? Any recommendations for cheap online shops?


Well-Known Member
Well, thanks to you guys and me whining, I convinced the hunny to allow me to make the room 5ft wide instead of 3ft!! Thanks all!! So, Any KEWL ideas before I start covering and installing? I have attached a new diagram



Active Member
id make the flower section a bit bigger then the veg.... like they said your gonna need more space for flower


Well-Known Member
Now you are talking. Soo..5' by 6' with 8' ceilings. I think fdd posted a 30 minute aero build a couple days ago. seems like it was back up tonight, might wanna check that out. 4' for flowering, 2' for vegging, mother/ clones. It would be nice if the door swung out. An idea of what your needs are for yeild and a budget might help. In that kind of space planning the physical plant before introducing plants will save you alot of grief. Any plumbing, drains, electric, and air handling should be done ahead. The more details you give the better advise you will recieve. VV

Scalded Dog

Well-Known Member
i agree at least 3/4 of your space for flowering
once you have your mothers going you wont need alot of space for the clones
good luck and keep us posted :joint: