New Grow Room HVAC


Well-Known Member
So, i'm setting up my new grow room, starting with HVAC. I have no idea what I need other than an 8" exhaust fan, carbon filter, and roof vent. Anyone ever punch a hole straight to the roof? What else do I need? I found some flanges for drywall, but I have no idea if I need that or not. What else do I need Anyone with experience with this would be greatly appreciated. Here's a few pics of my first grow btw. I started 3 Critical Kush mothers under a T5 in a home mad recirculating dwc.



Well-Known Member
yes you will need a skill saw a square,a drill with a kinda long bit.. if you can get in the ceiling drill a hole next to the rafter and go up top and mark out where the vent will be,, go to lowes and get a roof vet with a 8'' exhaust hole and slide the top flap under the set of shingles, put black jack on the bottom of the vent flange and nail the bottom flap and the sides ,put black jack on the nail heads and seal the outside of the flange..make sure that the hole you cut is where you need it to be and don't cut the rafter cut beside it. if your roof pitch is under a 3-4 do not install on the roof.. install in the sauphet vents.. the new vent flange will have all instructions..just be careful and measure twice cut once