New Grow Room Pictures, almost done!!!

boston george 54

Well-Known Member
no i havnt gotten a controller yet and i dont think i am going to. i dont think my a/c can be controlled by a controller.. heres my a/c

i was going to get the EVC2 by setinel, but i dont think it will work so i dont know wat kinda controller i would get
your ac look like nice units and if it keep up whith all your cooling and humidty needs you are right no need for a Environmental Controller butif runing co2 you still need a co2 ppm

i have the chhc-1 as i said and i run ac seprate
then use cooling outlet to turn on extra fans,humidty out let for dehuimdfier,co2 outlet for bottle co2 held to 1500 ppm,heater outlet is not hookupas of now but buy next fall it will be ran to power expander then ran to furnace

hey loving your grow and cant wait for updates


Well-Known Member
thanks boston, i will post pics soon, i just noticed i have some spider mites!! so i am goin to the hydro store right now to get a pyrethrim fogger, and i will spray with neem oil later when the lights go off. and when i get back from the hydro store i will completely clean the grow room. so when i get back i will post pics peace!


Well-Known Member
this setup is absolutely awesome! nice work mate, bloody impressed.
I have the EVC-2 and it is awesome, but you will not be able to use your A/C unit with is because your ac has a set thermostat. so does the sentinal. my ac unit i had (HAD) was just like yours but a ge model... i got rid of it because i am now using c02 and it uses the air in the room to vent out... and i would like to keep my c02. :lol:



Well-Known Member
How does that pyrethrim fogger work, have you used them before? I ask because I have the same issue. I have been using organicside, I'm not seeing the best results.


Well-Known Member
the bomb works great i use them all the time almost once a week just to besure there isnt anything in my room. i also have been cleaning the room non-stop. and i have fed them with need oil in the pots and its working so far. and i topped the taller plants in the second picture, i actually didnt top any in the first pic.


Well-Known Member
WOW really nice work you got there!!! Keep it up!

I just wish I had the balls to do that to my house ....and knowledge!

Btw ...I really like the extra security *thumbs up*


Well-Known Member
Damn straight one of the best, most thought out grow rooms I've seen on here so far. Great job! I grew in soil my first couple times, but after I added more and more plants to the project, it just became a lot easier to go with a hydro setup.

Looks like you gave a lot of thought to how much electricity/voltage requirements you were going to need too. That's probably the most overlooked/underestimated things most noobs don't quite understand. I had to have 3 20 AMP circuits wired into the making of my biggest flowering room, and came damn close to using all of it. Well done.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the replies guys, i will have an update either tonight, or tomorrow. i am going to clean the room and water all the plants.
and thanks for noticing the electrical, we spent alot of time planning the electrical layout, and how we wer going to get the electricity to the shed. but the only problems now are that i have a some spider mites and thrips that im trying to get rid of:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(. but its ok im only in day 9 of flowering for the first batch and ive almost defeated those little bastards. i will be getting some azetrol soon but its really expensivee!


Well-Known Member
buy some lady bugs and some praying mantis.. let them go in your room and you won't even have to worry about doing anything... just leave them there to live and eat whatever pests..