New Grow Room Questions


Well-Known Member
I'm completely new to the grow game and i'm trying to plan a grow room. I have a 280 sqft shed that i just rebuilt. New siding, insulation, etc. It's built as solid as a house. I'm trying to use it as primarily a grow space, but i'm really unsure of a few things:

I live in the Northwest, so it's cold here all year except july and august. Will i need to sink a large amount of energy into keeping this shed heated? Or will the lights create most of the heat already? I will be using 3x1000w lights.

How am i supposed to maintain a warm room temp for my plants if i'm constantly bringing in new air from 40 degree weather? Do ppl in the northwest have to constantly have the heat running in their grow rooms?

These may be total noob questions, but i just wanted to see what ppl said about this.


Well-Known Member
They will put off heat. How much in your zone and room? No we can't. And here is 1 thing to think about. Sheds normally arnt heated. If you get snow how are you going to explain there is none on the roof? And yes a 80 temp with only 4 inch between that and outside will melt the snow. I see it all the time here.


Well-Known Member
They will put off heat. How much in your zone and room? No we can't. And here is 1 thing to think about. Sheds normally arnt heated. If you get snow how are you going to explain there is none on the roof? And yes a 80 temp with only 4 inch between that and outside will melt the snow. I see it all the time here.
We only get snow once or twice every couple years. Nothing major. It stays around 38-40 almost all winter. That won't be a worry at all.

Friendly Caregiver

Well-Known Member
Get an environment controller, run your fans from the outside, through your lights, and back outside, so the 40 degree air never touches your room. Plug your exhaust fan into the exhaust fan option on your controller, and this will keep temps exactly where you set it. IT will also control CO2, humidity, pumps, lights, etc.


Well-Known Member
Get an environment controller, run your fans from the outside, through your lights, and back outside, so the 40 degree air never touches your room. Plug your exhaust fan into the exhaust fan option on your controller, and this will keep temps exactly where you set it. IT will also control CO2, humidity, pumps, lights, etc.
Which controller actually has that many options? Also, how would i get fresh air in for the plants if i just run it through the lights and directly back out?

Does it seem like a better option to bring air in from outside, run it through the lights, vent it directly into the room, then have the exhaust fan suck it out?


Well-Known Member
This is the controller I want. It's one of the basic ones that controls everything.
And yes keeping your lights air not going thru the room helps major. If you don't go sealed with co2 you do need a second fan to run a filter and out the room while having a passive intake bring in cold air from outside. That fan should be on a temp switch so it only gose on when temps are hot. But your lights fan should be on when lights are. Better yet 15 min longer if you can get it on it's own timer.


Well-Known Member
This is the controller I want. It's one of the basic ones that controls everything.
And yes keeping your lights air not going thru the room helps major. If you don't go sealed with co2 you do need a second fan to run a filter and out the room while having a passive intake bring in cold air from outside. That fan should be on a temp switch so it only gose on when temps are hot. But your lights fan should be on when lights are. Better yet 15 min longer if you can get it on it's own timer.
That one doesn't seem to control lights though? I guess that's not a deal breaker, but i guess i would rather have it all controlled from one place. It'd probably be hard for me to find one to fit all of my needs since i'll be running up to 4x1000w lights on a 240v circuit.


Well-Known Member
There are some that do lights to. But I don't like putting all my eggs in one basket. Let's say you got the on build last on Friday. It craps out on you. Now your whole room is down. If you brake it into 2 or 3 controllers and have a few times on hand. It's a easy short term fix. Most stores don't keep them on hand because there not sold alot and takes up shelving space. And a replacement would need to be ordered. And when things go wrong for me is Saturday. Shops and suppliers are closed Sunday's or Monday's here. So earliest I can get the new item would be Tuesday. After 4 days being down I might as well start over. But that's IMO.