new grow room! +rep!


Active Member
alright so i got a new room in the process only thing left to do is line one more wall with reflective insulation but i ran out of tape =(

currently i have a 600 watt hps system and 400hps system
the room is measuring 3.5ft deep 7.5ft across and bout...7feet high, im not sure the roof is higher than me and im about 6ft

anyways my question is, would this be enough lighting to scrogg that entire area? or should i upgrade to two 600 watts, maybe 1 1000watt?

oooh or i can use the 600 and the 400 i ahve and throw in a few cfls here and there? i'm just trying to get highest yield for the space i have and i feel like the two lights i have currently wont be enough

ps pics will be up tomorrow as soon as i can find my card reader =] its a beautiful set up


Active Member
For the amount of space you described, the 400 and the 600 should be just fine. However, having 2 600w HPS would be better. Normally a 600w can cover a 4x4 grow area effectively hanging from the ceiling at about 18in to 24in above the canopy of the plants. The best would be two 600w HPS and CFLs for supplemental lighting. I hope this helped.

Peace and positive energy to you.



Active Member
thanks for the info, i'm going to the hydro shop tomorrow to see if he will exchange my 400w ballast for a 600 or slight credit i mean. also kinda mad this ballast is hps only =[


Active Member
ive decided im going SCrog half and FIM the rest (12 plants total) running low on funds right now so i think they 400w and the 600w will have to do for now. hopefully i can pick up some cfls cheap somewhere. any other suggestions on lighting? i really feel like even two 600s wouldnt be enough


Well-Known Member
you can buy a mh bulb that works in hps ballest and you can get a hps bulb with more blue to it so you are just fine it will just cost you more for a bulb. best place for cfls or floro= homedepot and lows


Well-Known Member
Hey man it is possible to use a 400watt MH in a HPS light. You will just need to buy a conviersion bulb. so If you do get that 600watt HPS you want to get just buy a conversion bulb and you are set.


Active Member
guys! i'm officially legal! got my card last night, its an amazing feeling at first i must admit. sorry i havent sent pics yet, pics up tomorrow i PROMISE


Active Member
the room is getting to about 92 degrees mid day how would i go about changing my light schedule? currently my lights turn on at 7:45am and shut off at 1:45am. i want my night period to be at...10am till...4pm