New grow take a look!!


Well-Known Member
Ok so this is my first grow. I have 3x cfl 23 watt/6500K on my plant. Is this enough? ALso i have white paint all surrounding it. I have a glass of water in the corner for humidity( i heard a few people talking about that, not sure if its right or not). Also have the nutes in the last picture for when my babe gets a little bigger. I still need to figure out how to put a fan/exhaust in this cabnit. Im open for ideas. Please let me know what you think :P



Active Member
you shouldn't start nutes until she's at least 3 weeks old. The lights are enough for now, but you can never have too much light so long as you have airflow keeping the heat off the plant.
The all purpose nutes aren't ideal but should be fine just start them at 1/4 strength when you first get going.
given that as long as water drains properly from the pot it's in you should be off to a decent start.
Also keep the lights as close to the plant as you can without actually burning it... or the seedling will stretch like mad.


Well-Known Member
yeah, im a little blazzed so forgive moi, but i dont have any actual wind/air flow unless i open/close the door. How should i fix this? How could i set it up?


Active Member
I use an oscilating fan. The heat will build up from the lights if you don't move the air somehow.
The plant also needs fresh air to operate photosynthesis. I'm on a closet grow, I've actually gone to putting the fan in the door during the day, then closing the door and turning off the fan at night, this is still not ideal but it will ensure they get a proper dark cycle, which is just as important to the growth cycle as the rest.
The three mistakes I see here the most are
over watering / improper drainage
over fertilizing
heat damage.
Stay away from those things and the plant should grow.... after all it is just a weed.
If you over baby it too much you will kill it though.


Active Member
nugglet///// im pretty new to this growing too, and have learnd already tht air flow is top three thngs to have...

i pcked up 2comp fans...u could find them online or radioshak....mine are 5"/// i just drilled hole at side top of grow cab and mounted the fan:making sure it was pulling air out:then cut a intake hole at the opposite side near the bottom.. and it works great..air blows right over my plnts.....


Active Member
ur cab look's pretty small one fan for exhaust and a passive intake should be fine..tht what i use.... im thinking bout posting my setup but my online time is very limmited. well good luck with ur grow...


Well-Known Member
Thank you both, I think what i will do is on the top of the cab drill a hole and mount a fan/ because that is just a shelf. so i can run air up into the next shelt andd then out. And i will drill a small few holes nea the bottem for exchange


Well-Known Member
Here are a few pictures, i just went and got a little fan. I have it just blowing around in there. And added a thermometer/humidity. There are no direct holes in my cabnit but there is not a tight seal around the door at all. What do u guys think? Should i get a actual hole?



Active Member
i cnt see the pic u put-up.... do u leave door open while lights on//?? if u do u could get away wit no added ''holes''...


Well-Known Member
no usually i leave it closed. But it doesn't seal all the way so it has a little air flow. Them temp goes from 80-90 all day. Never seen it above 92 yet. Is that too high?