New grow tent/light

Hell yeah, just saved up enough to drop 1400 bucks on a 4x4 darkroom tent kit with a solar storm 400w LED light. So happy I finally can control the climate and there is no smell. I have a 6" inline fan pushing in fresh air, and a 4" inline fan for exhaust so the tent has positive pressure, feels like a balloon, but the climate is perfect inside!! sitting at 72 during day time and 64 at night. Check it out! The plant is BBK, 2 weeks left to harvest. I have 9 seedlings under some t5's getting ready for the next grow. This will be my second grow, so I am going to try the Scrog method based off my new grow setup.
400w solar storm LED, 6 and 4" inline fans, 2 sets of 25' black out ducting kits, phresh carbon filter, 48"x48"x80" secret jardin dark room pro 2 tent, 16 1 gallon pots/saucers, 25 3ft bamboo rods, titanium pruning trimmers, ratchet straps, apollo timer, digital ph reader, base solution for calibration, digital thermometer, 60x mag lens for the iPhone 5.

Prince Albert

Active Member
Looks like you've gotten a really good package deal. I looked up the 400 watt Solar Storm, cheapest one I could find was close to $800.


Well-Known Member
You want negative pressure in a tent. More air should be sucked out than is being pushed in. Just like a balloon, a tent will leak if filled with air and odor will occur. Negative pressure insures the odors are all going through the carbon filter for extraction.

I run a stealth grow in my home office. I have to really yank on the door when the fan is running because of the negative pressure that builds up in the closet. But, I have zero smell in the house. Something to think about.


Well-Known Member
Hey dude. Where did you get that deal through. I been hunting for basically the same thing.