New grow trailer


Ok guys this is my first grow and I'm sure there's more than a thousand threads of people saying this and asking for help. I'm only making this so that maybe people can give me info specific to my situation. I'm turning my camper into my grow room, believe it's 31 feet long like 6 feet wide inside. Of course it's not all open space though. I'll update Monday when I get home to let you know exactly what lighting and what not I have as I bought it off someone (very trusted person). I know I have some mh and hps lights and can buy more if needed. Pretty much looking for a shopping list for Monday, like what size pots or types cuz I heard of some kind that just degrades when you plant it in a bigger pot. Need to know the best soil and fertilizer and if I need gravel (plus what size) and if I need sand and what kind and how much of everything. Sorry for the long message just really wanna get this right lol. I'll try to figure out how to put a picture of the types of seeds up.


Well-Known Member
Sounds cool. I like there idea of growing in the camper. To post pics click on advanced next to quick reply and add an attachment then upload it. Where do you plan on shopping at a hydro store or home depo? Growing is Real easy. You'll figure it out.


It was cuz I was on the mobile site, hard to do it on a full site on a phone as you see it posted twice lol. If anybody has any experiences with these strains could you give me any advice? Also would it be OK to grow all of those together? Especially since some are autos and others aren't.


Active Member
Hippie Killer LOL sorry but im in tears of laugher rerading that strain. Nice selection there. your in for a good mixed harvest there.


Well-Known Member
For a first-time be real careful with the autos I to am noob and hear some are real temper mental good luck and welkome to riu btw u subbed

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Probably Lowes near my house I don't know of any hydro stores. Anybody have any advice on the specific strains or what I should buy at the store? The seeds arrived Saturday so I'll be going to the store tomorrow to shop for the stuff so I can get it going.


Well-Known Member
Yo man mu advice you take a month of reading from seed to smoke on here tuts and everything before you pop any of those beans and yes autos are very tempermental go to the autoflower seaction and read up lots of lil things people dont know bout autos ...I grew 4 anf fucked 2 of em up pretty bad but photoperiod plants are a bit more forgiving since its light for life not time(90days tops seed to harvest once you get ur first set of true leaves u start day 1 15 days veg then under hps for 20/4....some test autos I got bout 120 seeds off one of the autos so checking.pheno to see what they are like bout 20/25 days from first leaves u can see buds are starting




Yo man mu advice you take a month of reading from seed to smoke on here tuts and everything before you pop any of those beans and yes autos are very tempermental go to the autoflower seaction and read up lots of lil things people dont know bout autos ...I grew 4 anf fucked 2 of em up pretty bad but photoperiod plants are a bit more forgiving since its light for life not time(90days tops seed to harvest once you get ur first set of true leaves u start day 1 15 days veg then under hps for 20/4....some test autos I got bout 120 seeds off one of the autos so checking.pheno to see what they are like bout 20/25 days from first leaves u can see buds are starting

Thanks for the advice man, I've been doing some reading and will continue. It would be cool if people followed this and gave me advice as I went lol.


Active Member
i wouldnt start out my first grow with a whole trailer filled because those problems that might have been manageable with a smaller crop quickly get out of hand with larger crops, and its relatively easy for a new grower to lose a whole crop or close to.


Oh no I'm not filling the whole trailer and I only have 1 of each of those seeds. That's one of the reasons I put this up, so if people think I shouldn't do certain ones together or all of them at once or whatever, they can tell me.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a plan. One thing to be aware of is the fire danger. Make sure you have a plan just in case. Be safe.


Well-Known Member
What makes you say that about the fire risk? Cuz I had thought about that myself and now you bring it up too.
You'll be running a lot power into that camper, probably a lot of wiring to, with power comes heat. Also campers are framed with small sized lumber- perfect kindling. It's just an issue that you should be very aware of.


Right, I'm probably just gonna plug the trailer in so that I can just use the outlets in there. I don't wanna run so much that I melt somethin or start a fire. Rather have less to smoke than lose everything. It is a metal airstream though.