New Grow!! Yellowing problems


So this is my first post about my new grow..... I have a few problems i cant figure out i have been trying to solve them by reading hundreds of posts, but i cant find a real clear answer. So i guess i need to post some pics....

strain--Purple Voodoo
Temps--73 at night 81 day max
I use tap water 24 Hour Method.
I use Roots Organics 707 soil with extra perilite added for more drainage
The Crappy soil Ph meter says 7.7 but i think it may be wrong.
5 Gallon buckets lots of drainage holes
Water Ph'ed at 6.6
Nute's that i have.. 1/4 dose
-Flora Nova Grow
-Diamond Nector

Most of the plants look green and healthy but there a few that are turning yellow and curling down and not drinking much water, deformed new growth. i flushed the yellow ones 3 days ago with plain 6.4 water and see no changes

Thanks for the help

I would like to say its a mag or zinc diffency but i dont know thats why I ask



OK i flushed 1 plant 5 gal bucket with 3 gal of water ph'ed 6.5 runoff 5.7

fed the other 1 with 1 tsp flora nova 1 gal run off is 5.8

we will see
I had same problem in my hydro and my soil.... turns out my meter was completly wack and it was a PH problem. I would next time there ready to water use plain PH water and flush through until run off is 6.5.
Also since your run off was 5.5ish the damage you see is similar looking to deficency problem but I really think its PH


Thanks man, Yea Im thinking the same thing after looking at all of my plants they are turning that strange yellow... I am going to flush them all tomarow afternoon with plain 6.5 water and we will see what happends...... should I super flush them until the runoff it 6.5?