yeah its a indica form g13 labs blueberry x white widow but i kinda lok into and not sure if i should grow it seen good things and bad things would you hapend to know any high yielding indicas or strains at all or should i give the blue venom a go
Well i know you might wanna pic based on how your growing.... its winter so are you in a cold place? does your room get cold or hot? if its hot you might wanna consider getting a sitiva dominate strain one thats use to being close to the equator where its hotter longer....but they grow taller and are somtimes harder to yeild big yields with if your not an experianced grower with that strain or in general....
If it gets cold in your room might wanna go indica dominate as they are use to being at higher elivation in colder shorter periods of light... They are stout generally considered hardyer type of strain due to being in colder windy envirments...thats why they grow short to protects and support themselves ...... sativas grow tall becasue they are in an area rich in vegitation life and have to fight for sunlight and must grow tall to reach the canapy
If your temps are in the butter range then it dosent really matter assuming you have the head clearnce to get eather strain.......If you go by yeild well theres alot of choices......I go by what the despensary have and then narrow it down to which one yields best from those.........sorry dnt buy seeds becasue i dont have a place or need for a mother plant at this time.....