new grow


so i just joined the other day, but I have been considering the idea of growing my own for the past 2 months. Thanks to this site and just alot of research I think I have what it takes to grow some sort of a plant. It has just become too much of a hassle to get bud lately and since I will be going away next year for school I thought that I would give it a go. So I have a grow space in my closet planned out It's dimensions are 23" x 15" x 72". It is actually in a 10 foot closet, but there is a shelving unit that also doubles as a hanger for my clothes. So I already ordered a 150 watt cfl with reflector, a 150 watt hps sun system. I also got a spare cfl mogul socket with 8 foot cord juss in case. I plan on buying an insulation board at home depot tomorrow for 13 bucks. Out of that I can make a fourth wall in which I will install 2 80mm fans (2500 rpm each) for air input and a 9 inch honeywell as the exhaust. I am also going to put a piece of insulation board covering the grow space being connected to the three real walls and other wall of insulation with velcro. I Then plan on covering the walls and insulation with mylar. Im gonna contact cement it to the insulation and then juss lay it flat on the walls and use thumb tacks to attatch. I bought 5 feminized super lemon haze seeds and got 2 free feminized from attitude so I plant on growing two plants under these lights. Ill post pics of the space today and when I get it ready for growin within the next week I'll post newbies. I am really lookin forward to this. I'm hopin for the best because I started going to this hydro store and the manager is a 12 year master grower. The only thing that sucks is that for the next two weeks ima have to cut down alot if not completely because of spending my paychecks on eqpt, but i think this payoff will be worth it haha Im all giddy like a lil fukkin girl



Well-Known Member
It's worth it, trust me. You just have to stick it out and not half ass anything, but reading your post it sounds like you're doing things right the first time. Keep us updated!


Hey everyone, So today i picked up mylar, insulation, digital 7 day timer today and ordered my honeywell fan, sun system 150 hps light, and a yo yo hanger system. I hopefully plan on starting to grow by next weekend and I have a feeling this next week is gonna be long as hell. N no weed either because I decided I wanted a good system to increase my chances for a good first grow.The only thing I need now are my starting soil mix and a pot. I am leaning toward getting fox farm ocean forest and light warrior(maybe). ANy suggestions for the potter? My area is 2 feet x 1.5 feet x 6 feet. Could I plant 2 slh in there if i plan on using my cfl for veg stage and use my hps for flowering. My 2 80mm fans are in from best buy so ill prolly pick them up tommrro and install as intake. i also was rummaging through stuff today found an ionizer so ima place tht outside my closet. o an tht last pic is my homeade forth wall in which ill be putting the computer and honeywell fan



Well-Known Member
I would use the HPS for veg too will save a lot of time. I would say 2 or 3 gallon pots if you are growing 2 plants. And also using a 150w I would look into LST or SCROG to get the most of your light. Even out the canopy for more penetration to the budsites. Setup looks pretty good soo far! keep it up



Well-Known Member
your HPS will put out 16000 lumens and your cfl will put out 9200 lumens Even though the HPS puts out a flowering 2200k spectrum light it is still more powerful 60% more light then your cfl

Those are just average numbers I don't know your exact lumens


Im basically running the same setup in almost the same area...I find that the HPS with CFL side support is the best light combo.
Box is 20"w x 20"d x 74"h.
I started with 9 seedling, now down to the best 4 in kitty litter bucket :P
Planing on going 12/12 in about a week, that would make it 5 weeks veg.
Hopyfuly I'll get at least one good female :weed:
Good luck with your grow!
Keep us posted!



alrite. i mean i got a cfl mogul wit 8 foot cord along with the reflector. could i use the reflector with the cfl in it horizontally? i just dont want tht second reflctor to go to waste. And that seems like an awful lot of light for tht little are. One more thing. the guy who owns the hydro store i go to said hes a pro grower or whatever n he said no to getm seeds put em rite in soil n dont keep switchin pot sizes cuz ul disturb the plant. He said it may take longer to grow. INPUT??


"And that seems like an awful lot of light for tht little area"

Its my first grow but I`ve read a lot and nowhere does it say you can have to much light....If the temp stays close to the optimun (75-80F), is there such a thing as too much light?
I run 27000lumens in a 2.6sq feet area.


i don;t kno i am gettin a mixed review some people say to use cfl for seedling and veg and add hps for flower and some say use both for veg and flower.... wht to do???

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Either way is fine as long as they're getting the right spectrum during each cycle. It's a personal choice. No need to worry too much about it. :)

Personally, using the CFL and HPS during veg is like wearing pants with a belt and suspenders. Read up on the light spectrum that works for each cycle. Knowledge is your best tool.



Active Member
Lookin great so far man! I have a very similar set-up for my veg room and have had great success with it. I would def top or lst the super lemon haze. They are very stretchy plants and will fill up a closet very fast. I topped all of mine and tied them down to the sides of the pots to keep the canopy level. Once one of the shoots took off I tied her down to the same hight of the others, the result: bud sites everywhere and a nice sea of green. I would also veg for 4-5 weeks only as they will stretch significantly durring flowering.

And remember, any weed is a good result for a fisrt grow. Just keep asking these guys, they'll always help you out.


im really not to familliar with topping the plants but i could def lst with a hanger or clothes pins. I kno that the slh is def a tall plant, but at what point do you think i should do this at? and with an hps for veg and flower do you think that would juss be uneccasary stretching even if i had the cfl on the side?


k well i got my 2 intake fans today, my mogul wit cord and my cfl. All im waitin on r seeds(somewhere in us says usps), hanger yo yo(on its way as well). I also have my hps on the way but i decided to not use tht til flower cuz my 125 cfl i think will be fine lemme no wht u think



yaa im on the eastern end of the us n i got stealth so im hopin at most 2 weeks....they got sent out on wed n there here in the u.s. today so hopefully us americans can be as quick as the redcoats


Active Member
im really not to familliar with topping the plants but i could def lst with a hanger or clothes pins. I kno that the slh is def a tall plant, but at what point do you think i should do this at? and with an hps for veg and flower do you think that would juss be uneccasary stretching even if i had the cfl on the side?
Here is a link to a very informative thread about topping. Uncle Ben really knows his stuff - read the first page and you'll learn exactly what to do to get a beautiful 4 cola plant that will make the best use of your grow space. Looks like you're well prepared for your seeds when they arrive...good luck and happy growing! -Mandi