New growbox w/ Jedi OG Kush


Well-Known Member
I would be ripping the hell out of the roots that get connected to the fibers of the pot if I transplanted, though I could probably just throw the entire fabric pot into a bucket and let the roots grow through the fabric. Not sure if that would work.

I know the root ball is pretty big, I have a hard time testing the soil for moisture because it is all root. I am thinking I will need to either stick to a single 5 gallon pot for this grow room, veg for less time or build a bigger room so I have room for a couple more plants.


Well-Known Member
Updated pics with light off:


I think the color looks good. Gave some water with blackstrap last night. She goes through just under 1 gallon every night. When I pour the water in, all i can see in the pot is the massive rootball and I have a bunch of little roots coming out of the bottom in the water tray to slurp up all the left overs :)

Nothing left to do now but way for harvest, only 6-8 more weeks :)


Active Member
It's early for the plants to be yellowing, are they getting fed? The reason why I asked is because of the amount of water that your giving them, I understand that it is necessary for you to do so but that will cause the soil's and other added nutes to be diluted and washed away. A small pot is going to cause problems with such a big plant!! I would NOT transplant once already flowering but it might be necessary to tear a few holes in the bag and place it in a larger pot with new soil around the outside of the bag, trying not to disturb the roots. I'm not sure if this type of transplanting will slow the flowering time down a whole lot but it might just be necessary to deal with the given root bound problem your having.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if I have a leaf issue or not, got some considerable yellowing on the sugar leaves on top of the canopy. Decided to give a flush anyway since it gave me a chance to pull her out and get some good photos :) I did end up getting rid of my screen since there was no graceful way to get it back and it was a little after lights out anyway.



Well-Known Member
Updated pics. Got a digital scope but still trying to get used to taking pics with it.

Photo on 5-17-13 at 9.21 AM.jpgPhoto on 5-17-13 at 9.20 AM.jpgPhoto on 5-17-13 at 9.18 AM.jpgPhoto on 5-17-13 at 9.17 AM #2.jpgPhoto on 5-17-13 at 9.17 AM.jpg



Well-Known Member
Not sure yet, the yellowing is still there, will keep an eye on it the next few days to make sure it is not getting worse. I actually suspect it was some light bleaching so I have the lights raised a bit. The good news is that the flushing did not have any negative effects :) So it may or may not have helped, but it did not hurt which is just as good in my book :)

Next grow I will need to be a little more strategic on my training since this plant is easily over 3 feet wide but my box is only 2 foot wide. I will also try to keep the lights 10-12" from the tops instead of 3-6" :)


Well-Known Member
Some new shots, 1 month since flip.

You can see I have a little yellowing, but I think it was bleaching from the lights I had a bit to close. Tons of bud sites, been working to get the canopy penetration as good as I can. I think I will probably quit messing with it though since I should stop touching the buds :)



Well-Known Member
I flushed once, but the yellowing was before then. Been feeding every other watering, which has been food every 2-3 days since they are pretty dry at lights on. I blame it on the 3 gallon pot, next time I am going with 5-7 gallon before the flip.

It doesn't seem the yellowing got worse, and actually just stabilized after I flushed and raised the lights, I also gave a light feeding at the tail end of the flush.


Well-Known Member
nice looking plants HB, I have some Jedi vegging outdoor, right now, they look like they gonna be a good strain. I'll stick around and what for a smoke report from you so I know what to expect...


Well-Known Member
PS. I agree with Curious, looks like a food issue rather than light bleach to me, light bleaching would be a little more white and burnt crispy looking. Here is a pic of my Jedi.



Well-Known Member
Thanks, well hopefully with the EWC tea and top dressing of Happy Frog the feeding problem is a thing of the past.