New Grower from Wales

hey guys ive been looking over the forum and have gained a vast ammount of good knowladge about growing the cannabis plant. I recieved a cutting of a plant from a friend, i dont know what the strain is. I also dont know exactly how old the plant but id say maybe 2 weeks, but to be honest with you all im not to fussed if my first grow does not yeld me ounces. Id be surprised if i manage to keep it alive untill flowering but i suppose it will all come with experiance.

I have been watering only when soiuld is dry up to 3 inches down into the soil. i have given it a 1/8th the reccomended dose of nutrients to help it along in the crappy back yard soil. I Fimmed her last night as i want to keep it very short with many colas due to my limited growing space. She has a little but of discolouration on the lower leaves they seme to be going yellow and the tips are browning. i feared nute burn so i let the soil dry out for a few days and flushed her a few hours ago with double the pot size in water .

My set up is a modified wardrobe, my medium is soil with stones for drainage at the bottom the cutting was planted by the previous owner who used soil from her garden :o - 250w cfl cool white vegging lamp around 3-4 inches away from the plant - fan for some air circulation - ph tester ( 2 drops of solution in 5ml of water type) - ionic hydro grow nutrients for vegging and havent decided on a flowering nute yet.
here are some pictures of the plant,




pictures up now taken yesterday . Shows my grow box, the plant and a few close ups of my bad leafes, and the pic at the bottom is where i fimmed 2 days ago the plant is still growing at a good rate and the fimmed area is healing well.Any advice is welcome,


And I'd seriously get it out of that 'crappy soil' and put it in something like, J Arthur Bower's Multipurpose with added John Innes compost. You will only need to water it for the first 4-6 weeks as the JAB has enough nutes to sustain it through veg. You should then get something like Plant Magic Plus - Oldtimer organic bloom for the flowering stage. Both items are relatively cheap, easy to use, and just the job for getting you up the learning curve.
hey supa funk i did just that erlier on today.Only one problem i gave it a super tiny dose of ionic hydro grow , 1ml in 500 ml of water about 4 hours after re planting, do you guys think i will end up having to flush due to the nutes that are already in the soil???
So i've repotted it today into the soil named above and 30 - 40 % pearlite and some stones to help with drainage.
Here is some pictures of how she is looking today, plenty of growth going on, and loads of leaves sprouting from where the fan leaves leave the stalk as you can see in the pictures from yesturday this area is blooming.I have the pot at a slight angle to get some useable light to these areas.
Srry about the terrible focus on the camera. Trying to get hold of a good dslr camera for a good price
supafunk do u think its to late to go scroggy ? or could i go ahead with some chicken wire tomorrow, the fimmed area should give me pleanty of main shoots to top and pull under the screen
Yo guys just checked on the plant now and the new growth is growing very fast.
This thread is very quiet lol.
The area that i fimed is growing very well, unfortunately my camera can not focus on the imed area :( pics when my dslr arrives
hey welsh smoker. what do you think of the pictures of the plant, does it look any good for 1.5- 2 weeks old ?
she is still growing strong even after the soil transplant yesterday ,
peace out


Well-Known Member
nice from a cfl mate, but change that soil, b&q potting compost mixed with perlite, a big pot, (the bigger the better, and drill the sides off the pot. rainwater and no fucking nutes please. you dont need them yet.
I've just put it in new soil mixed with pearlite and stones at the bottom to help with drainage. And is the new soil I've used np good ? Its pictured on page one if you haven't seen it.

Cheers for the tips pal, il get some holes in the side 2mz when im not so baked lol.


Well-Known Member
GET IT OUT OF THAT JOHN INNES SHIT MATE ASAP. it will seriously fuck it up. believe me, i lost 12 to that shit last year.
Oh shit =/ the guy at the garden centre looked like a stoner so I asked him what he uses and he sais he had used that soil with great results. He must have been blabbing. I will pop to b and q 2mz and grab some of that soil. I hope I dont stress the plant too much transplanting it twice in 4 days. Where about in Wales are you from pal ?

little rich

Active Member
hi there fellow taff 1st up get your self a ph pen i think the tester kit u got which i have used b4 now are not accurate.if u get a good soil like plagron light mix,this soil is around £12 a bag from your local grow shop a little expensive but wht u will find is that theres lots of nutes in the soil which keep it going for the 6 weeks & just had water at a ph of 6.5 & your good to go so depending on how long u want veg u prob wont need any veg nutes so your sving your self sum coin :).get your self sum nutes for soil,personally i would not use hydro nutes for soil.get sum nutes ment for soil.DONT give any of ur plants food yet other wise ur just going to burn em & slow they growth this is ur 1st grow? it will be a learning curve 4 u it took me 2 attempts b4 i got any results worth smoking then i got hooked on growing its a great hobbie lol
thanks fopr the advice rich i will take it all into consideration mate.
here are some pictures from today. its branching off like crazy since i started LST on it. Its even branching from the brances lol :o its going to be a right bush !

heya guys here are some pics from today for anybody who may be watching :)
Waterd this morning with 1 liter of water at ph 6.5

Hey guys here are today's picture update, there are branches coming off branches all over the place. Its wild ! i think i have around 8 branches growing upwards and another 2 in the making as i type.

Here is how close i have the 250w Cool white cfl -