New Grower - Grow Pics


Just though't i'd make a thread as i've not posted here before, anyways i'm 6 weeks into flowering on my first grow think i vegged for about 2 months maby a little more. planted 5 feminized seeds under a 600w hps Northern Light, Nev Haze, Grapefruit, Cinnamon and a OG Kush. 4 of the 5 seeds planted sprouted and are now 7 weeks into flowering... Thought they would grow much taller in the 7 weeks they have been in flowering but the bud seems to be coming along nicely so far :joint:

Alright so the only issue i got was that the 5 seeds come in packaging that was not individually marked so i have no clue which plant is the Northern Lights ect lol. So just wondering if someone could let me know which they think each plant is from the pics posted.

Will post 6 pics of each plant and mark each one A, B, C, D refering to each of the 4 plants so anyone can let me know if they can identify any of them. Again the 4 plants should be 4 of these strains - Northern Light, Nev Haze, Grapefruit, Cinnamon and OG Kush.

Plant A

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Pic 5

Pic 6

Plant B

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Pic 5

Plant C

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Pic 5

Pic 6

Plant D

Pic 1 - This is just one stem of plant D either the stem is to weak or the buds are heavy enough because it literally points down past the pot so had to tie this up to the main stem as it was big style weighed down lol.

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Pic 5

Pic 6
- Upclose shot of the main cola on plant D

If anyone can answer my two questions would be great!

1: Can you identify any of the plants in the pictures? each labelled individually into letters A, B, C and D each letter represents one of the 4 plants. The strains that was planted - Northern Light, Nev Haze, Grapefruit, Cinnamon and OG Kush.

2: How long would you reckon they have left before harvest? yep i know this is a hard question and impossible to answer just from the pics but just your opinion on how long left i should flower them would be great.

Accidentally broken a stem off with a small ish bunch of buds on so thought fuck it and dried them over night on the top of the hps light. The dry weight of the bud in these pictures weighed 1.9g Heres some pics of the bud dried! :)

So hope you fellow smokers and growers like the plants, any opinions and comments on the plants are appreciated.

Cheers :joint: :joint: :joint:


Well-Known Member
Very, very nice!

I couldn't guess what strain is what though to be honest...

Have you tried a smoke yet?

bird dog

Well-Known Member
Very nice grow dude. Plant A, Pic 6 looks exactly like an OG Kush that I grew last year. What seed breeder sent you 5 strains together in 1 envelope? In any case, looks like you are within 10 days for sure. Several of the bottom stems are already going back in and are brown. Good, strong, , healthy, and heavy plants. Rock on... :leaf:


Well-Known Member
plant d is your haze, the rest is a crap shoot, you could prob figure it out if you look up reviews from the specific breeders. your prob going to want to stake some of the heavier branches. as far as finishing time... the nl prob will finish first, the haze last, but prob all will finish at different times. the good news is trimming will be broken up over the course of a month or more. hth


Thanks for the comments, replies :) yeah think its gone not to bad for a first grow lol and taking into consideration all the stress i put the things through at the start of the grow lol. Everything from using the wrong soil, over-under watering, burning them with the hps and even the light falling on them thats not even mentioning the fuck ups in the lighting schedule at the start of 12/12 when the timers kept failing lol. Suprised non have hemied on me so happy to have some decent looking bud growing even after all the stress :D

Not tried the smoke yet not had a chance to be honest been frigging busy so gonna give it a light up tomorrow and see how potent it is :) as even though its been stated that they should be harvested at different times throughout about a month i was hoping to cut them all down in 2 more weeks as im looking to start some mothers that need the hps for a couple of months. Could put the mothers under some CFL's but don't really want more than 10 plants at one time for legal reasons and got some autos going in today. Anyone have any clue on how much i'd fuck up the smoke if i harvested them all in 2 weeks??

Thanks for the ID's 1itsme and bird dog just labelled plant A and D will check out some pics of the other strains and put what looks like the right strain on them just wanted some opinions from experienced growers before i attempted ID'ing them with my lack of experience ect lol.

And the seeds where from Rhino Seeds not to bad really because they was cheap and it was a sample pack of 4 seeds- for the price decent value although i wish they would package them separately like picknmix do.


Infact when would you guys say would be the earliest i could chop? not pleased at all about having 6 seedlings under 46w of cfl lol. Definitely don't want them to be under that cfl for more than 14 days e.g just the veg period of the autoflowering but even that im thinking would limit the plants size throughout flowering. So basically if need be i will have to build another cab for the 6 seedlings if i cant chop soon.

Cheers :joint: