New Grower having heat issues.


Hopefully I dont get flamed for stupid questions but I am a new grower. I am having a hell of a heat issue I cant seem to get down to the range of 72-76 for my plants. They are in a 3x3x6.5 tent running a 600w HPS light, with an 8in can pull air through the light and a 6in can scrubbing and running exahaust out. At the full 600w I am able to stay at a consistent 82-84. A few of my fan leaves are turning up and wrinkle which I believe is due to heat is there any way I can get that to come down more? Any help would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Fans. In the tent and if still over 80 then leave the flap/door open in light hours and have one blowing from outside the tent in. You wont harvest as much if temps are over 80 in flowering.


Active Member
unless your 6" fan is more powerful than the 8" that should be the other way around. also i see no mention of intake fans or circulation fans. just because it's a small area, 2 can fans alone won't cut it.


Active Member
Circulating fans are really your friends.
Make a huge difference some times (as an example) with my grow, with-out a circulation fan the canopy temps would be around 84 while underneath its a cool 72. get that air moving!! :D


Sorry about not adding that I do have an oscilating fan inside the tent and another outside the tent pushing outside air in. I have the 8in inline pulling out the hot air from my light and the 6 in is scrubbing the air inside the tent and exhausting it out. I thought I would need more power to cool off the light and the 6 would be ok since the inside of the tent is small. But if I am wrong by all means tell me.


Active Member
Hopefully I dont get flamed for stupid questions but I am a new grower. I am having a hell of a heat issue I cant seem to get down to the range of 72-76 for my plants. They are in a 3x3x6.5 tent running a 600w HPS light, with an 8in can pull air through the light and a 6in can scrubbing and running exahaust out. At the full 600w I am able to stay at a consistent 82-84. A few of my fan leaves are turning up and wrinkle which I believe is due to heat is there any way I can get that to come down more? Any help would be appreciated.
Uh I don't know about my temps have been over 80's for entire grow and look at this.. Pretty sure that temps in the 80's wont effect growth, now if you get into the 90's I believe thats a problem.


Nice grow, I havent started from scratch yet I aquired some plants a guy was going to throw away because he did not have room


Active Member
Uh I don't know about my temps have been over 80's for entire grow and look at this.. Pretty sure that temps in the 80's wont effect growth, now if you get into the 90's I believe thats a problem.
Alot of people speak what they don't know I found that out the hard way. Marijuana plants grow in the hottest climates so what are people talking about.. Beats me


Well-Known Member
The problem is that you have an hid light trapped in a small enclosure. You're basically trying to cool down an oven by blowing on it. You can blow fans around and leave flaps open till the cows come home. My guess is that it'll still be too hot unless you invest in a more aggressive cooling measure (ac).

Blowing hot air around doesn't decrease the temperature significantly.


Active Member
you should be fine man people will have you stressing over stupidness just have air circulation and fresh air intake and you are good to go


Active Member
So the only way we can fix the issue is an AC unit
are you listening man your temps are not bad man they are just not optimal. those pics I showed are plants that are 4 weeks in flower... They are flowering fine and my temps get into high 80's


Well-Known Member
So the only way we can fix the issue is an AC unit
The ac is gonna cool it down to where you want it for sure.

You can keep doing what you're doing, but did you go to all this trouble for anything short of perfection? Run higher temps in budding and your potency will suffer.


Active Member
The ac is gonna cool it down to where you want it for sure.

You can keep doing what you're doing, but did you go to all this trouble for anything short of perfection? Run higher temps in budding and your potency will suffer.
Do you know what perfection is.. You need 1000 watts per square meter, temp to be 70, humdity in veg 65 in flower 35 lmao that is ridiculous is anything that consistent in nature. Thats why I dont see the point in having everything so precise my smoke is just fine after it is cured.


Well-Known Member
You might want to switch the time the lights go on and off, ie, if 6am-6pm now the lights are on during the heat of the day. If you switch to lets say lights on 6pm to 6am you avoid the summer day heat. Now with that said just dont switch them, do it one hour a day ie start 7am-7pm than 8am - 8pm etc you dont want to shock her so take it slow.


Well-Known Member
Do you know what perfection is.. You need 1000 watts per square meter, temp to be 70, humdity in veg 65 in flower 35 lmao that is ridiculous is anything that consistent in nature. Thats why I dont see the point in having everything so precise my smoke is just fine after it is cured.
Oh, boy. Another dirt-farmer 'fourth grow' expert.

I don't know what perfection is exactly, but I have a pretty good idea. And my smoke is better than 'just fine' after cure... waaaaay better than 'just fine.' So what other tidbits regarding 'grow perfection' would you like to educate me on, noob?

What else you got, picture boy?


Well-Known Member
You might want to switch the time the lights go on and off, ie, if 6am-6pm now the lights are on during the heat of the day. If you switch to lets say lights on 6pm to 6am you avoid the summer day heat. Now with that said just dont switch them, do it one hour a day ie start 7am-7pm than 8am - 8pm etc you dont want to shock her so take it slow.
Agree. Do that.


Do you know what perfection is.. You need 1000 watts per square meter, temp to be 70, humdity in veg 65 in flower 35 lmao that is ridiculous is anything that consistent in nature. Thats why I dont see the point in having everything so precise my smoke is just fine after it is cured.
glad to see other people have had a successful grow in something higher then the recommend temps.


Oh, boy. Another dirt-farmer 'fourth grow' expert.

I don't know what perfection is exactly, but I have a pretty good idea. And my smoke is better than 'just fine' after cure... waaaaay better than 'just fine.' So what other tidbits regarding 'grow perfection' would you like to educate me on, noob?

What else you got, picture boy?
Very Frosty, but honestly man the odds of me pulling a perfect grow out of the gate even with all the great materials is maybe a 5% chance if that I think it will take me a few grows to see how these plants develop and grow but glad to see that this forum is helpful