New grower!!! help!!! need advice!!!


Well-Known Member
im growing these plants for a while just got bgger pots they were in a bad lighting for about a month or so the growth is barley started to show was wondering if the stem being purple means anything and they just barley got under 100 watts of light barley 2 weeks ago now theres about 12000+ lumens how you think they will do or should i just start some new plants actuualy look at them a judge them i dont need half ass comments:joint::joint::joint:



Well-Known Member
i wrote before that i transplanted them lmao i transplanted to bigger pots...

i have a 105 watt cfl 5500k has 6900 lumens
4 26 watt cfls 6500k
and 2 tube cfl 15 watts

a total of over 12000+ lumens

im thinking its purple due to nute defect lack of nitro im usuing 20-20-20 for nutes if anyone knows this and my tempature is about 78-80 so its not too cold keep coming with help thanks:joint::joint:



Well-Known Member
i dont need half ass comments:joint::joint::joint:
K for one month they look shitty, but not bad under the light you are giving them.. If you can afford upgrade to ateast a 200Watt compac flour, they come wired 15amp 120V so they will work in your normal house hold plug in.. If you want to correct your problem, by some good quality soil, pick all that dead leaf mater out, and give them a transplant into 2gallon containers.. If you want buy a foiler feed that will help, you cna get them for cheep; around 15dollors. Your compat 200W goes for 99 in Canada. your right about nut def, problem is that it could vey well be a shitty proportion of nitrogen avaiable to your plant.. pH pen is just as important as lighting. Proper pH will allow the proper nut uptake for Veg stage and flower stage thus balancing out NPK and micro nuts.... All u have to do now is not over or underwater :) Expect your plants to sit dormat for some time.. under good condition you can get new plants probably to the same height in as litle as 2 weeks.
Make an experimant maybe...good luck.. BTW electrical consumption is nothing and these bulbs can be placed 1 inch from plant.. Ill show u a pic of the 200W in action.


Well-Known Member
K for one month they look shitty, but not bad under the light you are giving them.. If you can afford upgrade to ateast a 200Watt compac flour, they come wired 15amp 120V so they will work in your normal house hold plug in.. If you want to correct your problem, by some good quality soil, pick all that dead leaf mater out, and give them a transplant into 2gallon containers.. If you want buy a foiler feed that will help, you cna get them for cheep; around 15dollors. Your compat 200W goes for 99 in Canada. your right about nut def, problem is that it could vey well be a shitty proportion of nitrogen avaiable to your plant.. pH pen is just as important as lighting. Proper pH will allow the proper nut uptake for Veg stage and flower stage thus balancing out NPK and micro nuts.... All u have to do now is not over or underwater :) Expect your plants to sit dormat for some time.. under good condition you can get new plants probably to the same height in as litle as 2 weeks.
Make an experimant maybe...good luck.. BTW electrical consumption is nothing and these bulbs can be placed 1 inch from plant.. Ill show u a pic of the 200W in action.

cool this is some of the information i was looking for thanks man

well i have an equivalant of 200 watts i have
1-105 watt and
4-26 watts
i planned on getting atleast 4 more 26 watts for vegg

you think they will be oright i only plan on vegging 4 plants im just expirementing to see how these seedling do under this condition compared to the first:joint::joint: ones


Well-Known Member
For seedlings yup, See those in my red cups under the 200compac they are seedlings, but I started them underneath 2X34Watt coolwhite T8 flourecents and now they under 200Wcompac, Soon they will hit the 2x400watt then harden off outdoor..
Your going to veg under 4 feet tubes right and if soo 4 plants will be ok, since growth is seemingly very slow.
The only difference is that my compac produces a higher output of intensity, so we have equal watss compacs do a increasing better grow..
I would do what your doing, run an experiment, i guess as long as it doesn't slow down your scedual. good luck


Well-Known Member
Well, I would not say its really what you want to be using as measurment. If you are going to veg with compacs make sure its 125Watt plus.. If you are going to aim for more then 2 feet tall make sure you give them 5weeks with a good nut feed and have ample air supply to be successfull. I get about 3 feet in veg but thats in 4 weeks, a feed program that has its details worked out and im supercharging my plants.. Everything is perfectly balance and controlled.. Compac's are generally use to keep plants out of flower and provide a significant intensity for plants 10feet from bulb..If used upclose plants it can be a very powerfull veg.. You can going to have to fine toon your grow. it might be difficult becuse u have plants all different size so placing bulb can be funny, were some plants will be favored more then others.
I dont think I would wont to trim you plants anymore, only because your knocking off there production methods.
Also humidity plays a very significant role when it comes to veg.. try and up your humidity with buckets or water or a larger soil suface area, so when watering it reatins more moister/air contract. keep humidity around 60 if you can...


Well-Known Member
thanks man ill try putting some of this too use im thinking of just starting a new grow from scratch so lighting is equal but how many waats or lumens should i look at to vegg 4 plants atleast:joint::joint::mrgreen:thanks thouhg man looks like i need some better nute and some lighting to figure out..