New grower. Help please!

Safer is just another BT. Your fine. Safer® Brand Caterpillar Killer Concentrate uses a naturally occurring bacterium to kill and control caterpillars and other leaf-eating worms.
I've used Thuricide at all stages of flowering without issue. Its just the same BT bacteria which produces a toxin that is specific to the pest and harmless to everything else, humans included.

You still want to be sure to minimize spraying anything on buds because of the increased risk of botrytis (but mold). The caterpillars increase the odds of it so you pretty much have to deal with them but when you do have to spray for them try to do it early on a day that will be warm and dry so that they will try enough to not get burnt from the sun when it comes out and then they'll have the rest of the day to try out enough to not be set at night when the humidity goes back up from the cooler temps. It's also importent to really french the buds to get the little badstards that are inside the buds so ting when the buds can really dry out afterwards is crucial.
How often should I spray? Haven't seen any more worms just one that was fried. Should I keep spraying? Figure I have about 4 more weeks till harvest
Omg these worms aren't dying I found a couple huge worms about an inch long... trichomes still clear so early harvest is not an option! Is it wise to spray with BT daily? Or should I just keep spraying 1 a week and handpick as much as possible?
Omg these worms aren't dying I found a couple huge worms about an inch long... trichomes still clear so early harvest is not an option! Is it wise to spray with BT daily? Or should I just keep spraying 1 a week and handpick as much as possible?

When I've had to spray for worms I made sure to spray until I saw the stuff coming out of the bottom of the buds to be sure I got to the worms that were hiding inside.

After one thorough treatment that way the next day when I checked there were dead worms on the outside of the buds all over the place. I used Bonide thuricide. It's probably not much different than any other bt spray for worms though.
Thanks for the input! .. I've been spraying but not drenching them.. I've fearful of mold because the humidity in Northern California has gone up to the 70s in the evening.. next time I spray I'm going to drenched them.
Thanks for the input! .. I've been spraying but not drenching them.. I've fearful of mold because the humidity in Northern California has gone up to the 70s in the evening.. next time I spray I'm going to drenched them.

I'm up in Eugene so I know exactly what you mean about humidity. Sounds like you're probably close to the coast too so you have to be even more carefull about.

Spray early so that they'll have all day to dry out. If you have to wait until the morning of a day that's going to be warm and dry to give them the most time you can under the best conditions to dry out before the nightly drop in temp jacks up the humidity. If possible try to spray early enough that they'll have some time before they get direct sunlight. This will help prevent them from getting burned and helps to keep the first more effective. BT is broken down by sunlight. I don't think that the seconds or moments that the spray that makes its way into the buds will be exposed to sunlight will really matter much but every little bit, you know?
I'm up in Eugene so I know exactly what you mean about humidity. Sounds like you're probably close to the coast too so you have to be even more carefull about.

Spray early so that they'll have all day to dry out. If you have to wait until the morning of a day that's going to be warm and dry to give them the most time you can under the best conditions to dry out before the nightly drop in temp jacks up the humidity. If possible try to spray early enough that they'll have some time before they get direct sunlight. This will help prevent them from getting burned and helps to keep the first more effective. BT is broken down by sunlight. I don't think that the seconds or moments that the spray that makes its way into the buds will be exposed to sunlight will really matter much but every little bit, you know?
