new grower here


so i am new to growing. i am looking to start a dwc with about 2 plants. at first i was thinking a 4x4 are but im wondering if i can use less space? (need suggestions on this). i am thinking less space so i can get away with a smaller hps light.... manufacturer says a 2x2 u can use a 150 w light and 3x3 a 250w ... and also what brand of nutrients? i have been looking at foxfarm and i like their chart they have. i would use about 3/4 or 1/2 of what they say to not get nute burn. also i was going to use that gel stuff to get rid of smell. i would think it would work well for 2 plants..

any input is appreciated. plan on starting my grow in about a week...


Active Member
I would stay away from hydro if its your first time. Especially if you are only growing 2 plants. Hydro is way more complicated and expensive to set up. Soil is less maintenance and there is less to fuck up.

As far as nutrients go, any two part system will work (grow-bloom). You also may want to get a root simulator like voodoo juice or a mychorrizal mix like white widow. And you will probably want to get some additional supplements like super thrive or B-52, or hydrozyme. These are not nutrients they are just add ons that will make your plants grow more vigorously. For nutrients I've used Dyna Gro, Flora Nova, Botanicare, Advanced, and Humboldt. Flora nova is great with soil. Dyna gro is great with hydro. Botanicare will give you the best taste (just make sure you use the flavorings during flowering). Verde by humboldt is potent shit. Great for vegging. You wont need nutes till your plants are a couple of weeks old, then go easy on them. In flowering be sure and get a bloom booster and some flavoring. Bud candy is great for flavor. Beasty bloomz is awesome for size.

I wouldn't go less then 400W if your using HPS. Otherwise just use CFLs they work just fine. Get a good carbon filter and an inline fan dont use gels.

If you live in colorado I can hook you up with some clones Im over my plant limit and need to get rid of some.


i dont live anywhere close to Colorado, sorry. but i do appreciate the info. i will still stick w hydro. but i will prolly use all other advice.. thanks again man


Well-Known Member
Oh and as far as smell goes I've never used it. You can make your own filter pretty cheaply from walmart. There's threads on here about it.