new grower, large plant falling over


ok im a new grower and super poor. Anyways the pictures are of one of the leafs, then of the plant itself twice. and the last is of the plant a week before when it was fine. The bottom stem is white and hard like a tree trunk, but the top suffers from soft stems which cause it to lean way over. im trying to figure out if its just top heavy, if theres a N problem, if im under/over watering. There is just so many possibilities, if anyone can help me narrow them down I would appreciate it. Thank you.

ps the plant is about a month into veg, and hasnt had too many problems before this. hopefully its not the roots getting constricted.


Well-Known Member
Well with the lack of info available, it's hard to say exactly what this is caused by, but potassium plays an important role in strengthening stems and MJ likes lots of potassium. Take a look at your nutrient profile and see if you may be lacking potassium (K). You should have at least a 1:1 ratio of N to K.


Well-Known Member
some pics would be very useful. plants usually fall over cuz they are stretching. light too far away. without knowing im guessing your using cfls. if you are move the lights 3 to 4 inches away from the plant and post some pics


I do use cfls but ive been good about keeping it about 2 inches away from the tops the entire grow cycle. U might be right about the potassium, i have been using some regular cheap ass miracle grow that doesnt even have n-p-k numbers. ill go buy a potassium supplement and see how it goes. i already got a bone meal addititve but its 6-9-0 so no help there. thanks for the help guys



Active Member
Wow, that is really thin. Have you tried putting a fan on it? Mine started out similarly and I put a fan on it and it strenghtened up within about a week. Im still newb but that helped me out a bunch. It was scary at first watching the fan damn near blowing it over but after a few days the stems were very rigid.


Active Member
not sure if its just me but it looks like their leaning to grow towards them light on the side ^^ throw a fan on them to toughin up the stems and splint em up when they flower theyll definately fall over if they have half decent buds


well actually i had the cfl above it but once they fell over i figured screw it and move it where it would shine on it better. im using some 2 foot grow lights i think together it makes about 2000 lumen. the nute mix ive been using is a 24-9-16 foliar feed about every 2-3 days. ive had the fan on it always although i put it on low, and if it is lankey its because i dont have a hps or other nice lighting system perhaps.
I would say light is your problem. Stretching is from weak light. If they have enough light they will not try so hard to reach for the sky and stay bushy.


Active Member
id say your going to need a bigger pot and way more soil. from the pics it looks like theres less than half of a one gallon bucket. unless the stems are mushy i wouldnt worry to much, have you looked up supercropping? good luck n happy growing


Well-Known Member
agree with most of the posts above. bigger pot...a plant that size should be in a three gallon, should have used a fan on it from the second week after popping out of the soil, more light and as close as possible w/out burning it. looks like nutri burn as well on some of the fan leaves.


well damn, i never expected to let it get this big, and that pot is the biggest that will fit in my closet lol. while the falling over had nothing to do with the light (i now think the post above about lack of potassium was correct) i admit that the internodial spaces are too large and the plant appears to be stretching as well as having a very top heavy orientation. I am considering purchasing an HPS light and ballast system for flowering but am unaware of options or prices, can anyone help me out on that? thanks alot


Well-Known Member
research the site....too many recommendations. but for one plant a 250 would do you nicely, assuming you can vent the heat