New Grower Light & Space, Legnth & Height Question


Whats a good Height & Length for a closet grow space if the closer only goes 2 ft back. Whole space is 8 ft high & 12 ft long so i plan to build within it.
While using a 600w light. & about how many plants could i grow? i was thining between 4 & 6 .

Any Info greatly appreciated


Active Member
well it depends on how much work/money/time u want to put into this.
but heres my ideas on what u gave :)
its 12 ft long so the space really isnt your problem, but i doubt your light is 12ft long so if its centered and high enough you can probably fit about 8 ideally and max amount of smaller plants.
or less bigger ones. but a 600w light depending on what kind is going to get HOT!

ventilation would be MY first concern.

anyways keep us posted bro :)
what kind of light do you have?


well it depends on how much work/money/time u want to put into this.
but heres my ideas on what u gave :)
its 12 ft long so the space really isnt your problem, but i doubt your light is 12ft long so if its centered and high enough you can probably fit about 8 ideally and max amount of smaller plants.
or less bigger ones. but a 600w light depending on what kind is going to get HOT!

ventilation would be MY first concern.

anyways keep us posted bro :)
what kind of light do you have?
Yeah Ventilation is my next concern

Well my light is this


Active Member
Ya your challenge will be much like mine, how to put the most yield under one light, mine will be a 400w MH. with 5 under it. after mine are done germing and sprouting and being nurtured.
But ya i have a HUGE In-line fan blowing on my light (when its plugged in) because it gets very hot, very quick, and my space is not super enclosed like a closet, its more of a room.

But that my 2 pennies :)


Yeerp thx for the input really helps out.
Now im jus tryna firgure out how small to make the closet from what its at now.
maybe like 6 ft high 5 ft long ?


Im just trying for 1 grow space. & yea I already have the 600w light. The highest the light can go in the closet leaves 4.2 ft from the bottom of the light to the ground. so i would build the top right above it. & thinking maybe 5 ft long for the 4 maybe 5 plants. still viable?