New Grower Looking for Any Final Tips Before Set-Up!


First off I want to start by saying this entire grow is legal under CA Prop 215, my housemates and I are all patients under the Campassionate Use Act of 1996.

So we have decided to germ the ~30 or so seeds all of us have collected over the past few months and hopefully yield some good sensi for a house stash in a few months. We are planning on germinating for 3-4 days (today is Day #2) and then placing each seed that has germinated in a Solo Red Cup with soil under CFLs that are plugged into a power strip. This set up will be contained in the following tent purchased off amazon. We plan to keep the CFLs approx. 2-3 inches from the plants, raising them as the plant grows. Lighting for veg will be 18hr/6hr. We do need some advice as to which soil we should use, so far I have only understood that nutes are not needed for the first 2 weeks since the seedling will have all the nutes it needs, but what should we add to the soil as the grow progresses?

Our plan was to have two 3x3 squares of Solo Cups with one power strip above each square with 6 CFLs plugged in (4 of which are 6500k and 2 of which are 2700k). I have heard that a mix of both spectrums would be a good idea, while still using mostly 6500k bulbs for growth and mostly 2700k bulbs for flowering. Our light set up will be similar to this, only the power strip will be screwed into a piece of plywood, and the plywood will have hooks screwed into the top allowing for pulleys to control the height of the light. The Red Solo cups will sit on a shelf in the tent with the CFLs above and a excess water tray below. Should we also vent the Red Solo Cups on the bottom and sides? I'm thinking this would be good for drainage, but how many vents are necessary? Was thinking of using a push pin to accomplish this.

We plan to have the seedlings grow under this set-up for a period of about 3-4 weeks, until they reach a height of approximately 6-8inches. Once they have reached this height I was planning on transplanting 8 of the best females to 3 gallons pots and switching the light system to a 600w MH bulb. Then I would allow these 8 females to veg for appox. 1-2 months. This is the light system we are planning on using:

We will be ordering this set up: iPower 600w ballast (dimmable), 6" cool tube with add-on wings, 1 HPS+ 1 MH bulb, pair of rope ratchets, and also the timer.

Plants will be switched to 600w HPS and 12hr/12hr once vegged plants have reached 1.5ft (as I have heard that plants tend to double in size once flowering has been induced). I was also wondering if this would be an appropriate time to learn about topping or performing LST these plants? This is our first grow so we are fairly inexperienced, and have been reading as much as possible to prevent future problems.

What other items are "must buys" for the first grow? I was thinking of picking up a monitor that displays temp, humidity, and CO2 levels just so I can make sure parameters are correct. I also understand that the cool bulbs are supposed to be attached to an exhaust fan so that heat from light is dissipated from the tent. I was considering just attaching one end of the cool bulb to one of those flexible ducts that leads to the exhaust fan, is this sufficient? Should I also purchase an intake duct for the bulb or can it work fine without one?

Please point out any problems with this set-up or if you can give some advice to help with some of the questions I posed, don't hesitate to let us know!


Well-Known Member
Lose the MH, go with the HPS during flower. If you're going to put in as much effort as your post suggests, I would suggest making a CO2 generator.