New Grower, Need a lil' help

Hey guys I just started my first grow and just having a couple of issues. I should mention that when I started the grow I ended up having the light a little too close at first and it caused some heat stress and minor stretching, but I've fixed that and I'm on my way. I just transplanted a little less than a week ago and noticed a few spots on my plants. The spots on the smaller leaf I am thinking it was just caused from the heat stress at the beginning, but the other spots on the bigger leafs have just started to appear. I have not fed them any nutrients yet because I am using FFOF and like I said I have only transplanted about a week ago. It could be something else, but my instincts tell me that just are just ready to be fed. I've been reluctant to feed because of the loaded nutrients in the FFOF. Any help would be appreciated!

Also, that is the main problem, and the other plants have started to get minor yellowing on the tips, again I think they just need to be fed but maybe you guys can give me some insight.



Active Member
I am using FFoF aswell with a fresh grow underway. I'm tellin ya feed them. Thats the kinda shit my plants started with. I thought it was ph and all sorts of other stuff before I realized they just needed feed. I too was under the impression that FFoF was full of nutes already but I guess after a some water it runs out or something. If your using organic you cant go wrong. Give them 1/4 str nutes this time and then then see if they love it or not. Check out my thread. and you can see my progress over the last 3 weeks.
Well I've been told over and over again on this forum that FFoF is jam packed with nutrients. Ive transplanted less than a week ago. So can I get another opinion?


Well-Known Member
I would feed it too, people will tell you that OF is filled with nutes but from what I have see you can start feeding them around the 2nd week period. Those need to be fed


Yo, I got an issue too... I got a plant who's 2nd set of leaves are twisted up, but it's still growin' normally... What should I do?
Thanks, well the thing is my PH meter that I got at lowes is a P.O.S. but I have been able to check the PH of the water, and it seems right on 7, and I've checked a few times and its just below so I think that's okay. I thought maybe overwatering at first because my other plants are kinda bowed up, but I've been letting them dry out almost bone dry before watering, the thing is they weren't doing this before the transplant, so I thought it may have been shock. I transplanted on last friday morning the 15th and I watered, then I watered again on monday mid day, so about 3 and a half days in between watering, and I have not yet watered them again since I was thinking about adding nutes, they are dry on top, but about an inch and a half 2 inches, still moist. That's kind of crazy to me considering I watered them on monday.
Sorry for double post but I forgot about the temps. My temps during the day are right around 82 and at night they drop to around 75. I am running 24 hour light.

I'll try to upload some more pics of my other plants a lil' later.

Thanks for the input so far guys. I guess my next watering I will add some food :)


Well-Known Member
Those just need to be fed, If using grow big then I would recommend 1 ts every watering. Works great
Oh yeah sorry I have Big bloom and tiger bloom for flowering. they should be ready to be watered by tomorrow morning, I want to show you some other pics though of the other plants because it seems to be over watered so I'm trying to let it dry out, but this plant is about half the moisture level of the other 2 and they were watered on the same day. The other's just seem to not be drinking as fast but the plants aren't quite as big either.


Well-Known Member
Keep your vegg food up into flowering with tb and bb, I usually use advanced nutes but decided to give ff's bloomers a try and ran into a N def shortly into flowering.. I highly recommend using grow big 2-4 weeks into flowering. tb and bb don't have enough nitrogen in them to support the amount of food the plant needs in the first stages of flowering


New Member
Keep your vegg food up into flowering with tb and bb, I usually use advanced nutes but decided to give ff's bloomers a try and ran into a N def shortly into flowering.. I highly recommend using grow big 2-4 weeks into flowering. tb and bb don't have enough nitrogen in them to support the amount of food the plant needs in the first stages of flowering
hey max i would recomend when flipping into flowering switch to flowering nutes A - B but add superBmax , and calmag supliments both 1 ml per litre added into your flowering juice it will stay green to harvest