New grower.. Need advice.

There's some terrible advice being thrown around on forums, even after all these years. And this above is some of it.

If you don't know your trade, learn it before giving people advice. The plant is hungry, not burned.

This plant needs a basic feed of 1.0ec and it'll start growing nice and green. That's it. It's as simple as it gets. Growing coco is no more complicated than growing with compost.

Don't transplant into pots that are too big for it. 3 Gallons is too big. Put it into a 1 liter pot - or one quart in your measurements. And feed it with 1.0- 1.2ec of base feed. Stick with that basic formula and you'll be alright
So I did just go to the 3 gal from solo cup and they have tripled in size within 2 days. Pretty awesome because after you suggested going to a quart sized pot I figured they would be stunted for a few days. Been feeding them fox farm GB and BB at 1/2 strength for the last 3 waterings and they are an awesome deep green... sorry for the dumb question but what is ec? And how do you measure it?



Well-Known Member
The reason I say go into the right size pot is because it cuts out potential watering issues. If you go into a pot that's too big and saturate it, you'll have large areas of stagnant coir, which isn't healthy. There's nothing wrong with going straight to final pots straight away, as long as you're careful not to over water, which it looks like you have been.

One little tip, in future when you're potting up, try and bury as much of the stem as possible, right up to the bottom leaves. Roots will form from that stem and the base of the plant will be stronger.

EC is electrical conductivity. It's just a universal way to measure feed strength with a tds/ec pen.
The reason I say go into the right size pot is because it cuts out potential watering issues. If you go into a pot that's too big and saturate it, you'll have large areas of stagnant coir, which isn't healthy. There's nothing wrong with going straight to final pots straight away, as long as you're careful not to over water, which it looks like you have been.

One little tip, in future when you're potting up, try and bury as much of the stem as possible, right up to the bottom leaves. Roots will form from that stem and the base of the plant will be stronger.

EC is electrical conductivity. It's just a universal way to measure feed strength with a tds/ec pen.
Thanks for the help, starting to have some fun now. They are beginning to give off a sweet smell.
The reason I say go into the right size pot is because it cuts out potential watering issues. If you go into a pot that's too big and saturate it, you'll have large areas of stagnant coir, which isn't healthy. There's nothing wrong with going straight to final pots straight away, as long as you're careful not to over water, which it looks like you have been.

One little tip, in future when you're potting up, try and bury as much of the stem as possible, right up to the bottom leaves. Roots will form from that stem and the base of the plant will be stronger.

EC is electrical conductivity. It's just a universal way to measure feed strength with a tds/ec pen.
Any advice here? I feel like I’m over feeding... I feed every other watering at full strength... they have taken everything I have thrown at them. I’ve been running at 100% light intensity for 3 weeks now. How do you think they would react if I went to feeding once a week. I switched to flower on wednesday. I haven’t even had one yellowing leave yet.

