Fuck it, since you wont tell me anything I will just post away.
The best time to start growing is when it starts warming up after winter, when its around 60 degrees outside during the day and theres no frost in the morning/night. Make sure you have a secure spot to grow that gets at least 8 hours of direct light, preferably more.
Start growing your seeds in party cups (the 16 oz cups you can get everywhere) with a hole in the bottom for drainage. Saturate the soil before planting the seeds, and push the seeds about 1/2 inch deep. Then as they grow, water when the soil is dry and inch or 2 down.
Once the plants have 3 to 5 sets of leaves, transplant into the ground. Make a hole big enough to where the plant fits in all the way up to the first set of leaves, the pick off those first set of leaves touching the soil. How big the hole is can determine how big the plant gets. My plant is in a hole that holds 10 gallons of soil and its is over 6 ft tall and still growing. You can use 2 kinds of soil here, potting soil or top soil. Potting soil you just buy at the store and top soil you scrape up from the woods (its the good ass black soil) *note that scraping up gallons and gallons of top soil is pain staking and taking from the environment.
If you want to grow organically, you would want to mix in stuff like bat guano, blood meal, bone meal, worm droppings, any composted animal shit that is over a month old. If you would rather use chemical nutrients the go to walmart or what ever and buy them. For vegataive growth you want fertilizer high in nitrogen and potassium. SO when you go to buy the nutrients look at the N-P-K (nitrogen-phosphourous-potassioum) and buy watever is hihg in the first ans last numbers. For budding get nutrients low in N and high in P and moderate in K.
From there just read on the website wat to do. Good Luck growing