new grower need some advice


Active Member
there gettin huge now got em outside now starting to LST them just learned about it and seems to be workin will be updating pics tomorrow have them outside on 12/12


Active Member
i know it seems stupid to be lsting them outside but i just want to keep them low maybe put them back in the rubbermaid for the rest of flowering but right now light bill is getting really high on all the cfl's i have so i put em outside for the good ole sun but we will see


Active Member
its been a long time since ive posted ive pretty much kept them outside and there Huge! now water guzzlers plus im using some superthrive and jacks classics 20 20 20 since im outside i really dont know when to put the 10 30 10 in for flowering since lighting is just the sun so any tips would be appreciated gonna post pics in a day or two of them? any advice ?


Active Member
well just got one male and seems 3 females so far out of the six plants possible 4 femlaes i think imma pollinate one female so i can have more seeds when is a good time to pick seeds off the female to keep for later use any certain period in time before cutting her down thanks ?


Active Member
well i gotta say these babies are huge now have them outside in pots 2 of them turned out to be males i say i got about another month or so till harvest what you guys think i planted them in march.......


Active Member
it seems like 3 are stuck in vegetative i mean there flowering i can see the pistils but its been like 2 weeks and no flowers whatsoever i dont know if they became rootbound or what there in decent size pots 2 -4 gallons ???? i dont know why they are takin so long to flower ...... any guesses ?


Active Member
i take that back like 3-4 weeks and no flowers although i can definitely tell there female they just wont flower anymore i have been giving them flower nutes ......... will they just explode one day or what there outside 12/12 sunlight


Active Member
any help pls ? bump one of the plants is my profile picture and avatar picture its huge !!! but just wont flower its showing pistils though for the past 3-4 weeks under 12/12 light outside so are the other 2 ???? help pls


Active Member
heres some recent pictures of the 3 girls that are flowering the other 3 are flowering but only pistils dont know whats wrong looks like the 3 that are flowering got about a month or two left till done what do you guys think ?



Active Member
could root bounded plants be the problem why its not flowering i took one plant out of the container it was in and put it in a bigger container there was nothing but roots at the bottom i broke up all the roots and dirt without damaging the roots and replanted it. I did this to two of the plants that are not flowering again this is a outside grow thanks !!! any info would be GREATLY appreciated thanks guys.