new grower needing help!

okay so my plant has been growing for about a week now above dirt i literally last night transplanted from old random soil to fox farm and im now using distilled water only, the soil is moist from the transplant so i havent really watered it. but besides that my seedling doesnt seem to be growing any except for up, it has its 2 first leaves then 2 of the traditional pointy ones, im just concerned im doing something wrong and when should i start seeing substantial leaf growth?


Well-Known Member
okay so my plant has been growing for about a week now above dirt i literally last night transplanted from old random soil to fox farm and im now using distilled water only, the soil is moist from the transplant so i havent really watered it. but besides that my seedling doesnt seem to be growing any except for up, it has its 2 first leaves then 2 of the traditional pointy ones, im just concerned im doing something wrong and when should i start seeing substantial leaf growth?
What is your light source and how far away is it?


Well-Known Member
Well, anyway new to mj is correct it is still developing roots. Also, just so you are are not going to see much growth at all over the next few days. Transplanting will always cause a slow in growth. The good news is that when growth resumes it is vigorous. Next time you may want to consider going a good 2 or 3 weeks old before transplant. Just my humble opinion.
im using 60 watt cfl im gonna be putting up another one in the same room sometime today or tomorrow and its about an arms length away from the plant. i was afraid itd get burnt. as for a pic i cant get one now but i cant in a little bit lol sorry! :[


Well-Known Member
That light can be A LOT closer I keep 150w cfl about 5" or so from my seedlings. With that much light at that much distance you are certainly going to see some major stretching. If this were my grow I would add a lot more light and get them closer. CFL puts off very little heat so they can be as close as 2" from the plant depending on wattage.