new grower needs help


Active Member
wut up site, new member/grower here.. this site is great for info.. got a couple of questions, i just started out, got my seed germinated now. what exactly is a medium? would my next step be to put it in soil in a 16 ounce plastic cup for now with fertilizer?? and how exactly do i get male and female? does this mean that i have to grow more than one seed?? Im only doing one seed right now just to get a feel for the whole growing process, do i need to grow more than one so i can have a male and female plant?? do i need both to produce bud? I am using just seeds out of a mid regs bag that I got, dont really care to produce fire, as long as it is smokeable and saves me money, its cool with me? will i still need a male and female for this?

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
The medium is whatever you are growing in. Dirt, rockwool, rocks, water...etc.

To find out if its male or female you will have to flower the plant. To flower the plant you need to put it in 12 hrs of light and 12 hrs of complete darkness. After a week to ten days you will start seeing the flower. Males will have little pollen balls that look like a bunch of grapes. The female will have a little tear drop bud with two white hairs coming out of it.

You want to kill the males. They do not produce bud. Only pollen. You dont want the pollen to get on the female flowers or it will produce seeds. You pretty much have a 50/50 chance of having a male/ female.

You are prolly doing the smart thing and practicing on some regs. It would suck to spend money on some fire seeds just to kill them. Good luck on the grow and let us know if you have anymore questions.


Active Member
I need the same question answered as well. We fellow new growers need all the help we can get .

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
how much water do i start with?
I have drain holes I cut in the bottom of my cups. I usually put almost as much water as I have soil and let it drain out. I keep an eye on the cups for the next couple days till I cant see any more humidity in the soil. Then I repeat step one.

david shelden

Active Member
To find out if its male or female you will have to flower the plant. To flower the plant you need to put it in 12 hrs of light and 12 hrs of complete darkness. After a week to ten days you will start seeing the flower. Males will have little pollen balls that look like a bunch of grapes. The female will have a little tear drop bud with two white hairs coming out of it.

You want to kill the males. They do not produce bud. Only pollen. You dont want the pollen to get on the female flowers or it will produce seeds. You pretty much have a 50/50 chance of having a male/ female..
when would i begin to flower these plants? the tallest one is about 10 inches tall.

should i move them to bigger pots, as they seem to be wilting a little bit. this could be due to some burning that was going on earlier thuogh



David- your pots look like there only four inches tall. Unless thats how it looks in the photo i would highly advise you too transplant them into bigger pots asap.
HELLO, Madame Caterpillar here.
I started growing the other day, my seeds are germinating I was wondering how long the whole process takes... from seed to bud. I just want to know when I get to smoke.


Active Member
I don't usualy say this..... but are you lot taking the piss??

read some of the tutorials on here and you won't need to waste our time with some of the most basic questions.

You have bought ya seeds, germinated them and now you ask how often to water them. Somebody give me a gun. Please


New Member
Question: I'm about 5 weeks in, growing OG Cush in Coco coir using Fox Farm feeding schedule but my leaves are starting to show some white burns and the leaves look like they are nitrogen deficient. I'm doing 12 hour indoor light, 12 dark, feeding are about 2-3 a part with filtered water. The PH balance is around 6.



Well-Known Member
"read some of the tutorials on here and you won't need to waste our time with some of the most basic questions.

You have bought ya seeds, germinated them and now you ask how often to water them. Somebody give me a gun."

Again another member who gets pissed because its a waste of their time!!! Yes some questions are very basic, almost newb like! And yes most can be answered in stickies and tutorials. But this is the newbie section!!! Its only a waste of your time if you take the time to complain its a waste of your time! Lol.... I just dont get it. Its no wonder RUI has the worst rep for having a bunch of arrogant people. Im curious, why not just spend your time on the defined sections then hopefully your valuable time will not be wasted? You have a choice!!! Please enlighten me! I teach a trade to apprentices and my motto is the only stupid question is the one not asked, even though it can be a little frustrating at times and i have no choice😟.


Well-Known Member
Wow, a thread still limping along after 7+ years. I wonder if Bluntsmkr ever got it figured out back in the day.


Active Member
ok bud, you need to transplant those tall stalky plants into larger pots asap, thir root systems cant grow any larger in those tiny pots, also and this is VERY important. your plants are growing very tall and stalky, and are starting to bend over. they are doing this because they are trying to stretch out to get closer to the light. you are going to want to either lower your light, or add additional lights. Might even be best to do both :) good luck!