new grower needs help


Active Member
Medium is your dirt. I highly recomend going to solo cups with fox farm happy frog soil. Then in 2 weeks go to 1 gallon pots with ocean forest then go to 3 or 5 gallon with fresh ocean forest about 12-14 days after that for the last couple weeks of veg. I like to veg 6 weeks total. Kill males. No way to get either but luck if your using regular non fem seeds. Don't use any ferts right now wait till there like 3 weeks old as the seed itself carries enough to hold it over. Ocean forest is hot with organic nutes like bat guano so you won't need anything added for a few weeks after going into that medium then start light on nutes like 1/4 dose and work your way up. Only feed on every other watering cycle. Remember less is more. I like the Fox Farm nutrient line. I like there open sesamie about a week before going 12/12 start it but follow the fox farm feeding schedule. I really like there beastie bloomz. Do not use the 2 products called flowers kiss or boomerang. Happy Farming.


Well-Known Member
Shit lol I didnt look at the date, jeezuz what a waste of time hahaha. It was early and I was cranky before the morning fatty lol.
wut up site, new member/grower here.. this site is great for info.. got a couple of questions, i just started out, got my seed germinated now. what exactly is a medium? would my next step be to put it in soil in a 16 ounce plastic cup for now with fertilizer?? and how exactly do i get male and female? does this mean that i have to grow more than one seed?? Im only doing one seed right now just to get a feel for the whole growing process, do i need to grow more than one so i can have a male and female plant?? do i need both to produce bud? I am using just seeds out of a mid regs bag that I got, dont really care to produce fire, as long as it is smokeable and saves me money, its cool with me? will i still need a male and female for this?
You shouldn't start her with fertilizer, you will probably kill her. Just give her water till she is more mature. You will determine the sex of the plant right after the vegetation period which is around 2 weeks long (your plant will remain in this period as long as the light is in 24h cycle or a 18h light 6h dark period) To flower her, you just need to switch her cycle to a 12h light 12h darkness period) Be advised that this does not work with Auto flowering strains as their vegetation and flowering periods are determined by the genetics of the plant. After flowering her just follow what my fellow Widow Maker said. Lets hope its a female. As a newbie like me you should start with soil as a MEDIUM "as explained by Widow Maker", I'm not going to go much through that since I can take you are not really looking for fancy shit. Just don't take some dirt from the street because you never know. Maybe get some potting soil or soilless mix, you should ad some perlite (white little balls you see in the dirt often) this will help the circulation of water and air. When you do fertilize it (remember that you will be smoking this so don't throw nuclear shit to it haha) simply use the values you will find in the container, this values will stand for N-P-K or Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium. You will hear many versions of how much of each you need so its hard to point a specific value. Though, a standard is that you will want to give your plant more Nitrogen and less Phosphorus during your vegetation period, and less Nitrogen and more Phosphorus during its flower. Potassium values should always be medium. The use of these three components won't guarantee that your plant will be healthy as she also needs many other nutrients but that is harder to control so just set your mind on the important three and things should be fine. This is just stuff I have read so I wouldn't mind if somebody could confirm this info because as I said, I am newbie myself. Hope this helps! Also, if able you should try to post pictures, usually you have one specific question but by seeing a pic, people may give you advice about many things you hadn't noticed. Have fun!

Off to a bowl… or two bongsmilie