New grower outood with bag seed

im really new to this but from what info ive gathered from this site and other vids im doing pretty good so far. i have 6 viable bag seeds and i germinated 3 for a day and a half and planted them outdoors. the other three are still germin in a plastic bag in a napkin on my cable box (for warmth). if you guys have any tips or just want to show of your outdoor texas growth post pic. and please i really would like some outdoor advise other than just watering thnx and as always peace
dont put plants outside until the 3rd or 4th week of veg so they get a good root base first...some say earlier but waiting is good to get a good structure.
i cant really have a good setup indoors so outdoors is like my only choice will they still root well?
if not how can i make them root with fertalizer or some kind of chemical enchancer?
and i dont really have the money for a lamp or any kind of indoor apperatus
take a milk container and cut it in half and turn it upside down on your outdoor plant for a few days to get it used to the weather change to the outdoors. I would keep the seedlings in whatever they were in and just keep them next to the window with the sun.
if it is young consider the bunnys and the little skunks and shit that are in the woods or outside. they love young plants. I would kep it on for 3-4 days and then pee all around to get your scent out there so the animals run away
um ok a little unorthadox but sure i wont have to worry about animals except for my cat and dog that occasionally go outside.
just take the milk carton off when its got a good stem gowing?


Well-Known Member

You have some reading to do.

I'd search for grow shows that are in Texas but Texas frightens me a lot when it comes to cannabis so i would actually suggest reading rather than growing for you.

Look into the soil prep and starting the plants indoors and then placing them outside unless you know for sure that nothing will eat the tender sweet young plants.
It is harder for them to recover from damage when they are real small. It is also harder on plants to grow a good root system in hard pan soil.
So on and so on.. We all have paid our dues with reading so get in-line and read all you can before you start growing.

And Welcome!