New Grower. PC Box.

Sup guys. Im just waiting for my seeds to arrive and then i will be starting the grow. I ordered 3 different auto's, Pineapple express, White dwarf and Himalaya blue diesel. With those came 2 free female seeds. Here are some pics of my box before soil and what not is added. I think im only going to grow one plant at a time. Lemme kno what you guys think. and any tips of the trade would be great also

right on man, i jus got the seeds today. ended up gettin white widow and critical auto as my free seeds, i think imma start with critical auto. im probably gonna start the germ tomorrow and get em in the soil sunday hopefully. i heard you wanna soak the soil until water drains all the way through the soil before you plant seed. is that tru?


Active Member
what are the dimensions of the box? do you have more lights? you'll be fine with those two for the first ~2 weeks. but are your temps okay with the windshield reflector? it looks a lot like the size of my pc box, and when i had four 23 watt bulbs and windshield reflector temps soared to 100*+, and that was with two high cfm case fans for exhaust...

looks like a nice box though. i think i have the same power strip, with the last outlet a bit farther away from the others; it makes putting 4 bulbs in that strip much less cramped. if you have all feminized seeds, i'd just run one plant at a time. look into lst, check my sig to see how mine went. i had to do two plants since it was bagseed...luckily one was a female. there's no way two could've fit with how 'big' i had veg'ed them.
thanks man, i love the feedback. im not sure how hot it gets, but last time we tried two plants and all 4 lights. both plants got burnt and died so im going to with just one plant and 2 lights. seed is still in germ stage. im thinking itll be in the soil tomorrow somtime


Active Member
yeah, rip out that windshield reflector and just spray paint the inside flat white. your temps should be much better, especially if you can keep the box in a pretty cool place. i had 2 plants under 2 lights for about 2 weeks, and they were fine. once they start to get past that size, it's time to add more lights.

what soil are you using?
jus some organic soil. my seed still hasnt germd yet. this is day 2. ive read tht sometimes it takes up to 3 or 4 days sometimes? so im hoping it pops tonight sometime er tomorrow. and im going to leave tht reflector in for the first plant and if it causes problems ill take it out.


have you done a dry run for a few hours and take a temperature reading ?? It may be worth doing and knowing what your conditions are before the plants go in. it sucks to run into problems once things are rolling. about your soil question.. I've read to water it till water comes out the bottom and evenly spread out.
the germ is over, seed is planted. lets now pray for a healthy plant lol pics will be coming once plant breaks through soil


Active Member
I tend to germ mine in a system where no transplanting is needed.(or very little) I worry when I handle the plant.
I always germ my seeds in peat pellets and a few days after they sprout I move the pellet into its final destination. It is possible to place the seed in the pellet then in the soil medium you want to end it in and never have to transplant it. Although I havent tried it yet. Saving that for grow #2.

My avatar image shows my auto blue mystic seed emerging from the peat pellet.


Active Member
The best advice I can give is to read the link I provided :x, I'm yet to experiment.
How is that sprout doing? Show me some plant porn :)


Active Member
Best advice I could come up with is to repot to something with a bigger base, and maybe less height, sooner the better. My reasoning:
Your pots leave several square inches (maybe 30+) of air around the base, this could be root area.
Every inch of height is an inch of flower height that wouldn't get burned if you could reclaim it below.
Plants happily engage in lateral (side to side) root expansion if given enough room.
May I suggest milk jugs? I bet even if you don't drink it you know someone who buys it by the gallon---just a hunch that gallons would fit the pc case, if not something else that more snugly fits the dimensions and is preferrably 1/2 to 3/4 the height of your current pots to regain some canopy height.
Definitely Scrog. You could fit your new pots with stakes in each corner and drill holes and zip tie them in for stability, and now you have a mounting for a screen.
Oh and thats some fine looking mint you have there (wink wink)