Okay, so this is my first time growing, doing which outside and as naturally as I can. I germinated some bagseeds I had collected using the wet paper towel method. I had four in total, but only two sprouted. I had done tons of research before so I know that I did that whole beginning process correct. The first I planted was the first one to germinate which was followed the next day by the second and only other one to successfully sprout. I planted them a day apart both in transparent solo cups with holes cut into the bottom. I also mixed regular soil with Scott's premium gardening soil. It only took them each a day to sprout out of the soil. At this point, I had them in my window sill which gets sun but also has a little shade (being this is my first time I'm very cautious and was afraid that direct sunlight would burn the new sprouts up.) It's been about four days and they've grown pretty rapidly. I usually sit outside painting daily and will bring the plants outside with me and expose them to more sunlight in longer durations day by day. My concern is that they have already grown about 3-4 inches tall above the soil with a thin stem. The stem is thin but not limp, they don't droop over or wilt at all. It only has its original round petals and the tiny fingered petals (pictures posted as I'm not that good with the names of these different petals.) Is it normal for them to be this tall this soon with only the original set of leaves its had since it first sprouted? I've read this could be them "reaching for the sun" so like I stated I've been trying to expose them to more daily before I completely transition them outside. (I live on the East Coast so it gets pretty warm.) I've also read to use a small fan to strengthen the stems. I'm not sure what to do since I've read so many different things so I'd like to get advice from a real person that has read my personal situation. Any advice is welcome.