new grower with big plants


Active Member
well i'm forced to use sunlight, and being the end of the summer there isn't much of it. i wasn't aware you put nutrients every 2nd watering because container says once a month, but i will start. thanks.


New Member
Ok if the package label says feed once a month, then I would go with that.

Did the person that gave you these plants have them inside with 12 hours lighting? Plants can grow with a lot less than that but it may take a while for them to adjust to a lot less light.

Disclaimer: I'm not as experienced a grower as many others here so please get more opinions.:roll:


Well-Known Member
I still think you should feed every second watering at 50% of the Recommended amount on the label. Use plain water in between those waterings.

Not too sure what Nutrients you are using. Hope it's a decent one and not miracle grow.


Active Member
using 15-30-15, only spray about once a month and use less than it calls for. plants drooping look like they are under-watered but they get watered regularly


Active Member
okay, so my plants have lots of hairs and are very crystally, but just grew mad seeds and little balls, like a male plant. can they still be male if they look like bud?