New Grower!

Keep growing them?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 90.9%
  • No

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Ok let me rephrase this. If you want any bud then seperate pots. You will find roots take up shit loads of room, more then you think. Also if you have a dominant male its possible the roots will strangle the roots of your females and kill them or just take all the nutes etc away from them. O and don't trim the plants full stop! Just don't do it. If you trim leaves your cutting the plants power/food supply. There leaves are like solar panels, cut them off your fucked. You get me?


Well-Known Member
If you have a hydroponic supplyer's near you go for a soil like bio~bizz all mix then all you will have to do is continue to water all the plant need is in the soil for 4 week.When it come's time to add feed go with advanced nutrients and has long has the plant get s plenty of light it should produce some bud.That is if there girls


Not good to just dig up dirt from the back yard, could be decease and unwanted bugs in it,

your so close to the begining and you are using bag seeds, i would just start over before you have problems.(would suck to grow them for a few months then have them die.

Read, read,read. Get the facts down first then grow,

50% of the people here dont know jack crap about marijuana, the way i filter the good from the bad is...

Normally if people have done many post AND have a good rep, there info is pretty reliable (need both not one with out the other) if they dont have both, i wait for second opinions.

Knowledge is your friend
Ok let me rephrase this. If you want any bud then seperate pots. You will find roots take up shit loads of room, more then you think. Also if you have a dominant male its possible the roots will strangle the roots of your females and kill them or just take all the nutes etc away from them. O and don't trim the plants full stop! Just don't do it. If you trim leaves your cutting the plants power/food supply. There leaves are like solar panels, cut them off your fucked. You get me?
Exactly what I was saying, if you want any kind of decent buds then you need to put them in their own pots ASAP