New grower

Hi all

I'm having my first go at growing a male and female together to try and get some seeds. I don't really know what I'm doing but have done some research on this forum and have had some help from a friend who is also having his first go at growing cannabis but had a lot of experience with other plants like chilli's and tommatos ect... Im running a very basic setup but I think it's going OK. I have attached some pics so hopefully they come through OK.. Any constructive feed back would be great.


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all seems good man, the males usually grow taller, they will drop sacks, then release pollen, you can help, by shaking it over the top of the female, then sit back and wait for it finish! looks healthy from the pics good luck
Cool thanks. I have a couple of clones that I'm hoping will take in the next day or so.. They were taken from the flowering plant which I have since learned is not a good Idea. I will wait and see how they go.
If you can get the flowering clones to take root it is called monster cropping. You should Google it they go crazy with the branching!
If you can get the flowering clones to take root it is called monster cropping. You should Google it they go crazy with the branching!
Oh cool... 3 out of 5 are looking like they will be ok 1 is from my more experienced friend and seems to be doing really well and the other 4 are from my flowering plant. Two seem like they are comming right after wilting for the first 2 days the other two are not looking to flash but I'm not giving up on them just yet... I have them in a seedling moisture dome type mini green house, I'm spraying fresh water all over the dome but not on the plants and it seems to be helping with humidity. I will take some pics later and post them.
Cool thanks. I have a couple of clones that I'm hoping will take in the next day or so.. They were taken from the flowering plant which I have since learned is not a good Idea. I will wait and see how they go.
Flowering clones are the best way to grow. Ignore advice saying differently.
Prolly need to give the tent a good cleaning after all said and done.

I would carefully pull male ... cut a branch and dust with that . Instead of throwing pollen everywhere.

My 2¢
Prolly need to give the tent a good cleaning after all said and done.

I would carefully pull male ... cut a branch and dust with that . Instead of throwing pollen everywhere.

My 2¢
I will give it a good clean.. Its just an old wood cabinet with tin foil stuck on the walls and door.. I'll strip it and re do after this grow...I really don't understand the whole pull and chuck the males thing.. I grew a male nice and big.. Not knowing anything... Then I pulled it out and decided ill smoke it all anyway and trust me when I say this it 100% did the trick.. Took abit more than a normal bud but I was really good...pollen sacks leaves everything...
You can store the pollen for later chuck crosses .
I popped a full BD male and kept as much of that pollen for new plant play .
Dried and stored in the fridge crisper.

Yeah there is no reason to keep the original plant from seed as a mother or any mother really. One can cut a clone of a clone for a long while without any degradation. I personally have grown a strain like this for over 7 years with no issues. Thats a lot of generations the way I was doing it. One can cut a clone from a plant before sending it into flower then cut a clone off that plant before sending it into flower and so forth. This saves the space and energy that a monther would require and if you are on a plant count that frees up a plant.