New Growroom Any suggestions?


Im new to this site and to growing and wanted to post some details about my current set up and hear some feedback, I currently grow in the closet of my room, for the lighting i have a switchable 400w hps/hv hanging with a 200w flourescent light closer to the bottom, I have one semi large fan. I have 2 seedlings (one of them is in an outside spot) I also have three unrooted clones I planted yesterday. Is this a decent set up? any suggestions? I was planning on taking the weekend and building and outside grow room that's 10x8ft I don't want to put over 200$ into the construction, does anyone know any cheap grow room do it yourself projects?
Please post your input, appreciate it .


Well i wanted to make it an all out project preferably wooden with a plastic lining but i wanted it to be as easy to get around and care for the plants as possible


Well-Known Member
Possible to build with a $200 budget. But building the shell isn't the expensive part. Getting the heaters, dehumidifiers, and necessary fans to run a room with more lights is the expensive part.


I have everything i need for the project I just need some advice on the layout and if i should make individual grow cycle rooms, use more vents than fans, or general design. I don't mind if it takes over 200 that was just my ideal hope.