NEW GROWTH 9 weeks into Flower?


Well-Known Member
I am 9 weeks into flower with a WW. About 5-10 % amber trichs. Thinking I have about another week until the holocaust.
My problem is, I woke up this morning, and went and checked on the ladies. The main cola on my White Widow has sprouted new growth/branches from the main cola, and those small branches already have white hairs. WTF?


i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
What kind of lights? How far from plants? What nutes? Are u sure your useing 12/12? If they have new growth there in veg but could be caused from not enough light or just freeked out. That does happen


Well-Known Member
wtf, should I just chop it, or will the trichs continue to mature.
I run a 250 hps, about 6" from top. I use FF, and Molasses, primarily


Well-Known Member
No matter what you do, or how long you spend on it, if you plant one female seed today, you'll yield more in the end. Your plant is substantially taller than you should have for a 250w HPS as well, flower them fuckers when they are about 8-10" tall at most.

Whether or not its a light leak who knows as I'm not in your room, but the plant is junk at this point, if you flower it again you'll get fluffy weak nugs because of nowhere near the light required for a plant that size.

My advice is two steps:

Step 1: Make oil with plant
Step 2: Plant new seed

Hope it all works out dude!


Well-Known Member
You are telling me the crop that is currently there is no good?
I just tested a piece 3 days ago and got a great buzz from a few hits. But yeah, this plant went way to long with veg. Everything else I started after this was 12/12 from seed. This is my last standard grow.


Active Member
Strange, i havent seen that before. I've heard that revegging causes leaves to sort of twirl around into spirals aswell. If the bud is pretty much ready anyways there isnt much harm in chopping soon. Could you remove the new growth while the plants mature a week or two more?


Well-Known Member
Well, that's what I'm wondering. Should I chop it down now (5-10% amber), or trim it off and let it keep flowering. If I let it continue to flower, will it take another week + until it starts to go back to maturing the buds? Plus, I'm afraid it'll Herm on me.


Active Member
Well i guess with WW your probs gona be looking for more amber trichs than that... i see the dilema. It cant hurt to try removing the new growth for a day and see what has grown tomo. I dont see why the bud shouldnt continue to rippen - as far as I know trichome proggression is irreversible and based on age. Ie - once the plant makes a trich - it will, regardless of what happens to the plant, turn amber after a certain amount of time. You might see the production of new trichs that are clear, easy to spot as their stalks will not have straightened out yet - not to be confused with existing trichs reverting back to clear.

Unless u spot a pollen sack I'd keep going, see how things are day by day.