New growth deformed "pics"


I have a pre 98 bubba kush plant that i have been feeding plain 6.2 water just gave it a small dose of flora nova nutes yesterday to see if it fixes my ugly new growth. the plant is planted in ocean bloom soil any ideas what the problem is this is my last mother plant I am trying too keep it alive to clone it. for my next attempt to grow my own medicine.



Active Member
the light colored growth could mean its a bit hungry. what medium are you growing in? 6.2 is a little low for soil. the pics are a bit blurry it looks like you have some thrips, possibly spider mites.


New Member
there doing fine new growth will show a lighter green once it comes out the darker it will come it al good noticing some speckling on the leafs could be bugs or a start of a defiency , get a magnifying glass and look under leafs for white eggs and or creepy crawlys if not i would bump up your nutes by not sure what your useing but possibly add 2 ml more per 1 litre ??


the speckling is a organic pest spray.. it left a sticky residue on the leafs.... will try to increase nutes.... should i rase my Ph?


Active Member
if you are in soil adjust your pH to 6.5 and the plant will absorb nutrients more readily. if you are already feeding the plants, dont up the nutes until you have the pH in check. what spray did you use? that really looks like damage from thrip larvae. they would look like tiny white worms or grubs. they are hard to see because there usually aren't as many of them as other bugs and they often dont move unless you poke them. i wouldn't worry much about the lighter colored new growth, adjust your pH and maintain your feeding schedule. if it worsens, come back and show us new pics. if its a def then there will be more obvious signs than light green new growth. it will also take a few days for any feeding you do to have a visible effect.


Well-Known Member
flush when the soil dries from the feeding, lower nitrogen for a few feedings afterwards. also, you look liek you got a sidermite problem... pe@ce.


I looked and the do look like little tiny grubs how do i stop them from sucking by plant....... nicotine water in spray bottle? i have used this method months back and it worked but that was for some soil mites ...