New growth late in flower?


Active Member
IMG_20130325_053720.jpgIMG_20130325_053712.jpg my baby was born on March 16th. And heres my bitches lolIMG_20130325_053937.jpgIMG_20130325_053916.jpgIMG_20130325_053845.jpg that's also her in my avatar pic about 2weeks ago


Well-Known Member
ok so you have a good start you really are looking like your having heat issues but what i see could also just be because of the low light. this is why i always want to see grows people are doing without hids because then i know i made the right choice lol. every once in a while someone comes along with flouros though and just makes it work phenomenally. but i would work on getting a fan blowing out..what i like to do is use a shelving system from like a hardware store and then you put your electrical and fan blowing out up top and the plants with a fan in sitting below..without a better pic i hate to be a downer but im worried your product will not come out very well..i may be wrong you might just get less and wispier buds but of great quality, but unfortunately more times than not wispy small buds creates an almost impossible environment for curing. you have the basics going good but next time you grow if you have the means to try to up it a level imo their is no point in growing if that is not your goal, also i would have lsted that a bit harder and made that main cola a bit shorter for a nice all around canopy!...heres what i did in a small closet in about 90 days start to finish with a 400w hps and flouros only for veg