New growth light green, lime green


Well-Known Member
I started 6 plants indoors under a sky light. I put the 2 healthiest plants out doors 2 days ago. The two plants are now getting very light green new growth out of all the tops and some of the under side branches. I read online that it might be a sulfur def. I also read that it might be because of the temperature drop during the night. This is my first grow in a very long time.
the plants are about 6-7 weeks old.
The plants were germinated by seed in wet towels then transplanted into 3x2 little starter trays filled with Miracle Grow then put into 1 gallon pots of the same soil. Then i did some reading online saying MG was no good so i bought some Fox Farms Ocean Forest. 5 of the plants I transplanted into a FF and perlite mixture and the healthiest plant I left in the MC in the 1 gallon pot. 2 days after the transplant the plants all looked fine. I took the healthiest two plants and put them out side. one in a 3 gallon pot with FF soil and the other still in the 1 gallon and MG soil. Two days out side and all the new growth on both plants is growing light green. and on the plant in the MG has light green with a little bit of pink/red on the two tops. It has been super windy here and temps in the 70s.
The plants look alright but would like to know whats going on with the light green new shoots.

Looking at the pics im thinking it has to be a Mag or Sulfur deficiency. I have some ebson salts and going to be using it on my next watering.
All my leaves are still on the plant even the little round starter ones.
I am using no nutes and the last water the ph was somewhere around 6.5(just bought the tester and some ph down) dont know the Ph of my runoff I have not checked. Maybe i will after next watering.

anyone have any ideas.

Sorry my post is a mess. My writing skills are not very good.


Lemon king

Well-Known Member
all is well my friend it is because of the move out side and the colder temps!!!

DO NOT start adding shit to your soil. when you think you should feed post picks and ASK before you do it, will save you time. this is why you need a diary!!!!


Active Member
That's all good. All the new growth on my plants is like that. And they're healthy. I agree with LK, I wouldn't do anything.