New growth streaky yellow?? (pics attached)


New Member
Hey so i have a slight problem with one of my outdoor plants,
I have supplied photos and as you can see its nice and tall ( over 6 foot) and looks pretty healthy.
But lately the new growth has been streaked with yellow.
This plant is planted along side a creek in very rich moist fertile soil, and since i took it out of the pot 2 months ago it has had no fertilizer added at all. (even added before planting) and it has done fine with the natural soil.
Anyway i gave it some liquid fert from the shop (power feed or some crap, which i regret) because the leafs were twisting. although i realized this was just heat stress because it was 35 celcius and was fine the next day.
then the yellowing started a few weeks later. i gave a small amount of diluted liquid cow manure and small handfull of blood and bone.
HAsnt gotten worse since then but still new growth is yellow?
OH and the yellow new growth mainly effect the bottom of the plant.

So over fert you think?
LAcking something??
and if so how long till problem fixes once soil nutrient is corrected
And will it sort it self out or do i have to do something. I cant exactly flush the soil haha
any help appreciated :)



Well-Known Member
New growth needs time to develop its chloroplast and will always be yellow in the presence of partial shade. Once the cells develop and start photosynthesis they will turn green. The overall health of the plant looks fantastic really. Defs will show up in fully developed leaves first either way.

aussie originals

Active Member
New growth needs time to develop its chloroplast and will always be yellow in the presence of partial shade. Once the cells develop and start photosynthesis they will turn green. The overall health of the plant looks fantastic really. Defs will show up in fully developed leaves first either way.
not so. mobile nutrients like cal, mag and nitrogen etc will show up in lower developed leaves first because the plant will move them from the less important lower leaves etc to support new growth. however immobile nutrients like zinc, sulfur copper etc cant be moved around by the plant so they will show up in new growth first.

looks to me like a slight zinc deficiency, i would take a sample of the soil and get a soil PH test kit from your local garden supply centre and just check the PH is ok sometimes adding ferts like blood and bone or manure can change the PH and often some lime will need to be added to counter it.

aussie originals

Active Member
New growth needs time to develop its chloroplast and will always be yellow in the presence of partial shade. Once the cells develop and start photosynthesis they will turn green. The overall health of the plant looks fantastic really. Defs will show up in fully developed leaves first either way.
not so. mobile nutrients like cal, mag and nitrogen etc will show up in lower developed leaves first because the plant will move them from the less important lower leaves etc to support new growth. however immobile nutrients like zinc, sulfur copper etc cant be moved around by the plant so they will show up in new growth first.

looks to me like a slight zinc deficiency, i would take a sample of the soil and get a soil PH test kit from your local garden supply centre and just check the PH is ok sometimes adding ferts like blood and bone or manure can change the PH and often some lime will need to be added to counter it.

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