New growth yellow?


Hi guys so my girls are about 10 days old now and I'm noticing that the new growth and middle of the plants are turning very light yellow any ideas what it could be of if its normal.



Thanks for the responses guys:bigjoint: Yes, this is my first grow. I have 1xdinafem calihash plant 1x ghs white lemon. 1 100w equiv cfl 2700k, 1 100w equiv cfl 6500k, 1 200w equiv cfl 2700k are my lights. grown in coco, flushed down to 78 ppm. hydroton at bottom inch for drainage. 3 in from lights, 15% humidty, 70-71deg constant temp. watering every other day or when dry enough, alternating, r/o water, or r/o water with a 1/6 strength lucas formula. ph 5.8.
I just have a few comments/questions. First the 100w equivalent isn't the number you're looking for. You still need to look at the actual wattage. There are some good sticky's in the indoor CFL section that will explain it better. Here is one:
So it sounds like three bulbs total, right now that is enough but very soon they will be needing more light. We have roughly 12x23 watt bulbs in our grow box. There are grows on here where people grow with less, it most certainly isn't impossible but when you compare their grows to other people who have more light you can really tell the difference in density and final weight. It'll just have to be a personal decision you make for yourself. As for watering, just make sure you don't over do it. I have a lot of time with the plants so I go by the weight of the pot. I can tell when I pick one up that it needs water or not. I have seen quite a few people kill with over watering, people call it killing them with love lol. Also it is rather small still so I wouldn't be adding nutes, but I've never grown in coco and for all I know it's completely different. I use Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil. It has a lot of nutes in it so we don't have to add any for about 3 to 4 weeks. You'll learn to read your plant with time. Just read, read and read. This site has a lot of info and willing/helpful people. Just make sure you do research because it's pretty easy to tell when someone is just being lazy and would rather just get an answer instead of looking for the answer for themselves. The ones that have years of experience on here and know their shit will tear you apart if they see that. But you seem to be off to a good start man, just keep at it.


Hey I might just be being paranoid however I cant imagine this would be anything good. here are some pics, the spots are like yellow/whiteish

photo (19).jpgphoto (20).jpg


Well-Known Member
you feeding them with a solution of 78 ppm?? thats your problem they are hungry man..cocoa has no nutritional value so you should be giving them at east a 300ppm feeding once a week. i have never grown in cocoa but i know my tap water is around 60-70 ppm and everything else seems legit as far as temps and humifity.

i like using clonex for my seedlings its weak but provides essential nutrition for small seedlings. i would go ahead and feed them with a 300ppm solution. if you dont have a tds/ppm meter its the best 40 bucks you will ever spend. then you dont have to bother with the instuctions on the label of the bottle you can add and test and you know exactly how strong the solution is..

i feed my plants a 5-600 ppm feed about 2 weeks after breaking ground. i use a 50/50 mix of pro mix and happy frog, pro mix has no nutrients in it and happy frog is not heavily pre fertilized either. with 100% cocoa you have 0 nutrition in the medium so you need to suopliment them from day 1...with soil even a really light mix like mine they have small amounts to get them through the seedling stage before i have to feed them.


What I mean about the 78 ppm is that is what I washed the coco down to before I planted them. Right now my nute mix is at about 140ppm. I will try to adjust it up to about 300 tonight. Thanks to everybody who has taken the time to read my obessive posts and respond lol.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
2-300 ppm sounds about right for a small seedling..

dose that for a week or 2...depending on how fast its growing, right now you wont see alot of growth as its focusing on root production, the bigger the container the longer it takes to grow a decent root system think of it like moving into a new house, you wouldnt buy a new living room set without first seeing how much space you will have. you wouldnt have 3 kids knowing you only have 2 bedrooms.

anyways, once the roots develop and the plant starts will grow fast, especially if you have good lighting and enviormental conditions..a canabis plant can grow 1 ft a week if givin the right conditions. (they are technically a "weed")

once you start seeing good vertical growth you can increase the ppm by 100 each week untill your at around 1200ppm (generally 1200 is the average, some plants like more some like less. learn to read your plant...uniform yellowing and new light growth means hungry, blotchy yellowing and necrotic spots usually means too much) as long as you keep your PH in the range its supposed to be and feeding a complete formula with micro nutrients (minerals like iron, magnesium, calcium, boron...ect ect there are hundreds of micronutrients that plants need but only in small amounts) then the only issues you should see in a plant is toxicity or deficiency...or bug related.

what i like to do and others may agree or disagree but it works well for me.

when you flip to 12/12 i continue feeding veg nutes for at least 1 week of 12/12, then the second week i feed 1/2 & 1/2 veg/bloom then the third week i go 3/4 & 1/4 bloom/veg begining of week 4 (not flower..after flip) you should be feeding 100% bloom, stretch should be done and you should have small clusters of pistils all over the bud nodes...this is when I start my week 1 of flower. the first 3 weeks after flip is a transitional phase where the plant is stretching and begining to store hormones for the change into reproductive cycle.

flowering nutrients: I have had good results from a solution of around 1400-1600 ppm, but again not all plants are the same and i have not grown in cocoa before. flowering nutrients do not contain as high concentration of nitrogen which is the primary chemical that will burn plants so you can use a slightly higher ppm with a bloom food.

i also like to use superthrive @ 1tblspoon per 5 gallon bucket. (so about 1/2 tsp per gal, maybe even less...dont need alot) it seems to keep my plants looking vibrant and healthy.

hope my ranting helps..if its info not needed sorry for the long response. good luck m8