New growth yellowing


Well-Known Member
I really don't think this is nute burn because its only ever been fed once, about a week ago, on low strength nutes. Up until now it has been a very healthy fast growing plant.

Possible mg deficiency?

From the first picture you can clearly see it is affecting all new growth while the old growth remains healthy looking.



Well-Known Member
can't really tell if it's coz of the flash of your camera but it looks okay to me.. just let it grow a bit.. do check your pH though.


Well-Known Member
I would give it some veg nutes. Just wants a little Nitrogen i think. If thats wrong, then it may be the water and nutrient solution messing up the PH. Try those first, and dont do anything to wild, My plants just going into flowering were doing that, I had never really seen it before. I just gave them some flowering food and a little veg for the extra N. They seemed to green up in about 1-2 days.


Well-Known Member
The reason i do not think it is nitrogen deficiency is because i was under the understanding that with nitrogen deficiency the leaves yellow while the veins remain green? The veins are not green in this case...

pH levels are around 6.5 - runoff is the same...
The leaves are light green like that... the picture pretty accurately reflects the colors i see when im looking at them.

These are the nutes i'm using;
I've run tests with it and it doesnt seem to fluctuate the pH. For example i created a solution with it, and left it overnight after pH adjusting, and it remained at the same pH the next day.
I'm considering changing nutes though... what do you think? Maybe im just making the mix too weak? Is 7ml per liter too little?


Active Member
sounds like a zinc issue. lack of nitrogen can be diagnosed by the oldest growth (usually the lowest fan leaves) yellowing first and the new stem growth turning purple.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i suspect it is not a nitrogen def either... How should i go about this? Given that the soil has just had a good watering yesterday and wont need watering for up to a week later (takes a while to dry out).


Active Member
Nope never heard of them ferts. Did it start happening after you fed them that? I would stick to ferts that people have used on here. I use fox farm nutes and never had an issue with them.
The reason i do not think it is nitrogen deficiency is because i was under the understanding that with nitrogen deficiency the leaves yellow while the veins remain green? The veins are not green in this case...

pH levels are around 6.5 - runoff is the same...
The leaves are light green like that... the picture pretty accurately reflects the colors i see when im looking at them.

These are the nutes i'm using;
I've run tests with it and it doesnt seem to fluctuate the pH. For example i created a solution with it, and left it overnight after pH adjusting, and it remained at the same pH the next day.
I'm considering changing nutes though... what do you think? Maybe im just making the mix too weak? Is 7ml per liter too little?


Well-Known Member
Yeah the only problem with that is that im in new zealand and i dont see any of the ferts (literally, not a single one) that i see being talked about in here
What are your PH levels? Looks like nitrogen deficiency or zinc toxicity.
im having a very similar issue, now as far as Ironlungs says, Im thinking it is a zinc/iron deficiency (those 2 elements get locked up at the same time) NOT toxicity... but im having a hard time finding a fertilizer to use as a foliar spray.


Well-Known Member
^Those ferts will work okay if the ratios are correct(or close).

I'm also going to say that it's a nitrogen deficiency. Symptoms show differently depending on what stage of growth the plant is in, and I'm pretty sure that's an N deficiency. :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah it was a deficiency of some kind alright. I fed them some of the old plant food i used to use in my other 2 grows and a few days later the yellowing has completely disappeared from all affected leaves and they are a very healthy looking green now.

It has also started to undo some of the taco'ing/canoe-ing that i had going on which i mentioned in this thread; although it seems the taco'ing takes a little longer to resolve itsself and there may also have been heat factors involved with that one.

I use this stuff for veg. Its very worked well for me in the past. I think the problem was since the pots take about a week to dry out, i probably should have feed it the last watering. The problem was once i started seeing these signs it was still at least 4 days until i could water again.


Well-Known Member
Would anyone agree that this is a manganese deficiency? Yellowing beginning at the base of the leaf while the outside edges remain green... Affecting new growth only