new guy sharing my first time hydro grow


hey guys. It's been a few since i've updated. I was gone out of the house for about a week (scared as crap from not being able to check on my ladies) I come back to find that my timer somehow "reset" itself and lost its programming so for at least a day, there was no water. At this point, the water needed to be changed anyway so i started with that. Before I changed the water, I noticed my PH had gone up to 6.5+ (way too high) as well as my ppm had shot up from being 1100-1400 as my res was only about 2/5 full at this time.

To me there looks to be a lot of damage and i've spent some time removing a lot of the damaged leaves ( as well as the ones near the bottom that were already yellowing and dying) and just wanna make sure i'm headed in the right direction. Here's a pic of what some of the worst looks like


I filled the res. corrected PH and reset ppm back to the 1000 mark that it should've been at before. Have I Done the right thing?

p.s. I was planning to come home and change my setup to begin flowering within the next 2-3 days.


Active Member
Man that happened to mw a few weeks ago.. my fukn water pumps timer reset.. lost it all and the programming.. but i noticee it 6 hours into it.. The plants weere verry droopy.. after watering it took them a week to get back to normal.


Hey everyone. A lot of progress has been made since my last update. My entire first grow has now been cut and harvested. the one Northern Lights that I had was by far the best smoke I've ever smelled/tasted in my life (got that seed free, World of Seeds NL x Big Bud) the bomb berry plants are chopped and curing. 2 of which are already done and have me stumbling. the reg. big bud i had was too damaged and turned out to be air bud. So far the second largest plant produced 46g dry. I'll put up a pic or 2 within the next day or two


hey everyone. i know it's been forever since i updated.. sorry I bailed on pics from the last harvest, it really wasn't pretty. Smoked really well and was the smoothest i've ever had, but due to heat stress, it looked like shit.

Last time around, I had a problem with about all of my plants producing a ton of seeds so i'm pretty convinced that I could've had much better product. well. on to the NEXT grow.

I started 7 seeds total. 5 NL x Big Bud, 1 cotton candy, and my first ever autoflower - 60 day lemon.

Enough of the talk, now for the pics.

day 63 1.jpg this is a basic idea of how they started out. my biggest goal this time around was to avoid the massive heat stress that ruined my last crop. second biggest was to make sure to avoid all male possibilities. The seeds that started these NL's all came from plants of the last batch. I expected them to all be female, one turned out to be male and was executed immediately.

I went away for about a week and came back to my plants more than doubling their size so their tops were all burned yet again! =( biig disappointment. I cut the tops and continued on. the 60 day lemon is the only plant so far that didn't recover well from topping (no i didn't expect it to fare well from that anyway.)

. day 63 4.jpgi'm now about a month into flowering and this is how the room looks. They have grown like crazy and next time around early LST is going to be my biggest focus now that I've narrowed down a lot of my problems
day 63 6.jpgThis is the 60 day lemon as it currently sits. It's definitely flowered, but hasn't swelled like the others. I'm expecting this to be the weakest of the crop and will definitely be looking forward to trying this again.
day 63 7.jpgday 63 8.jpg

day 63 2.jpgday 63 3.jpgday 63 5.jpgthis is a closer pic of one of the NL's. This one will prob. be the first one to finish but it's got a little ways left.