New Guy with some questions


Active Member
Hey guys this site awesome, i love the tight community you got going on here. I have decided to join in, just getting my own place and i'm really excited. I have a walk in closet i'm going to be setting up, going to buy one of those grow tents and start off with 10 plants. I was just wondering if you guys could let me know what a sutible wattage is for 10 plants i was thinking 400? or would 600 be better. Also i'm wondering what kind of weight the average plant produces (end result) and last but not least what kind would you guys reccomend planting and why. Thanks so much.


Active Member
ummm i honestly havn't gotten to measure it yet just if i had to guess lets say 3feet by 5 feet? but i was planning on buying one of those premade grow boxes, are they any good? or should i just make the room myself? and budget is basically unlimited, its been grown for profit so basically what ever pays off more in the end.


Well-Known Member
Well to save money you can make the box yourself, I'd suggest getting measurements of your planned box then decide on lighting.

Myself I believe in extra whenever so I'd suggest a 600-1000 and go for broke. lol


Active Member
cool good tip, also one more peice of advice would you reccommend going a bit smaller? and not getting my plants too tall? or would you reccomend using like 5 gallon for each and making them as big as possible? haha what are the pro's and con's.


Well-Known Member
you wana keep them short and bushy, basically be prepared to move your lighting up slowly unless you plan to keep them short as some strains love to get nice and tall.

If you stretch them too much your yield will be smaller, its mostly just finding the right size for each strain.


Active Member
so keep them short and bushy? whast the best way to do that? and what seeds would you reccommend? thanks.


Well-Known Member
GROWFAQ , start reading. Then spend your money after you learn some basics, and have a better idea as to what you want to do.