New Hairs Turning Brown At The Ends?


Hello everyone. Need some words of wisdom here. My plants just started flowering and on about 60% of the plants the hairs are turning brown...not like they should be. Check out the attached photo and let me know what you think. They are in an aeroponic system and all have the same nutrients yet only some of the plants have them. I thought it might have been a concentrated heat source but that doesn't seem to be the problem either. Roots look healthy too. Since they are all in the same nutrient environment and of the same strain and clone batch shouldn't they all have the same problems if there is one??? I'm baffled.
Any thoughts appreciated. Thanks!!



Well-Known Member
Do you have fans and how close are they??
I had a similar problem with windburn on a few of my babies, turning my solid white hairs brown do to fans being to close to the plants. Moved fans a bit and 2 weeks later problem solved.


Thank u MrGreen. Oddly the side with less fan wind has more browning and the side with the fan on them has a little less. Yet it's all pretty equal around. This is the second grow in the same system and this didn't happen the first time. Maybe it does have something to do with air circulation though, I'll look into that more. I don't think it is though.


Yeah you're telling me! Lol they got a little too big in veg and are stretching. They have been flowing for 3 weeks now and They are under 2 400w hps. There is mylar on the ceiling which I think might be creating to much trapped heat causing the burn or whatever it is. 10inch vortex sucking air out as well. 6inch squirrl pushing air in. Any lack of a certain nutrient cause the hairs to die??


Well-Known Member
not a good pic but ,,,,,to me that looks a bit MALE......?????????

Now that u say that it kinda does. I don't see any testies, but the bud does look kinda bumpy. Keep an eye on those hairs, cuz if it is male then the hairs will brown and stay short. Each seed will have like 1 hair poking out of it. Another sign of male is that for being in bud growth stage the plant looks pretty stringy like a male,


No, not a male. Cloned from a mom. Talked to a few friends and they say it's a systemic virus that's been going around and baffling everyone. Could have came in from the air or dirty razor blades from the cloning I hear. Also they said to make a epsom salt solution of 1/4 cup to every 1-1.5 gallons of water and do a foliar spray. It's the sulfur that battles plant viruses. Should work in 24 hours and see a change. I'll let you guys know how it goes. Thanks for all the feedback and if anyone has anything to add please do.

bud zeppelin

Active Member
Now that u say that it kinda does. I don't see any testies, but the bud does look kinda bumpy. Keep an eye on those hairs, cuz if it is male then the hairs will brown and stay short. Each seed will have like 1 hair poking out of it. Another sign of male is that for being in bud growth stage the plant looks pretty stringy like a male,
could be its gone a bit hermie on ya was the mother plant from a feminised seed????


Active Member
Check the sites that there are brown hairs and check the sites that the hairs are still white. If they look different then you got a ladyboy on your hands for sure.


Well-Known Member
ya man your not gunna convince me its a female. i see big balls everywhere...somebody got you dude, and your still believing their BS.


could be its gone a bit hermie on ya was the mother plant from a feminised seed????
No I stay away from feminized seeds, all hermi genetics. Just a big scam if u ask me. I do all my own breeding and crossing and do stress tests to make sure they don't herm. Most plants seem like they will throw at least a couple male flowers under stress to survive so it's a matter of how many viable male flowers they'll actually produce it seems like in the long run. If u know of any that don't produce a single male flower under extreme conditions please let me know. Right now I have an Elephant x Purple Haze!

bud zeppelin

Active Member
hhmmmm seems you have it covered...... stress test what does that involve if you dont mind me being nosy....and what kind of a yield are you getting off of your seeds Vs seed company seeds ....very interesting in a nerdy kinda way lol

bud zeppelin

Active Member
but going back to the pic id say hand on heart thats a case of hermienessivitus,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, dont look it up


Well-Known Member
my first thought was that it was a male... then i was reading on and was thinking i must be wrong. i dont think so though... looks like a dude to meeeeee